A collection of sermons, daily devotions, and blog posts from Pastor Gary Combs

Today’s Devotion on the One Year Bible Reading


“For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living” (2 Thessalonians 3:11-12 ESV). Paul warned the believers at Thessalonica about those who “walked in idleness.”

Latest Sermon

A Greater Priesthood

A Greater Priesthood

Why does this passage about a mysterious figure named, Melchizedek, and an ancient priesthood matter to us today? While we may not be struggling to reconcile temple worship with our faith in Christ, we face a similar challenge: Where do we turn to find true connection with God? In our world, people are looking everywhere for meaning, security, and spiritual fulfillment. Some turn to religious traditions, others to personal spirituality, and still others to worldly solutions like success, status, or wealth. Even as Christians, we may sometimes feel distant from God and question how we can approach Him and hear from Him. This is why we need to hear about the greatness of Christ’s priesthood. It reminds us that our relationship with God doesn’t depend on our efforts, rituals, or qualifications. We have direct access to God through Jesus, our perfect High Priest. His priesthood is superior to anything the world or religion can offer. In Him, we find security, peace, and reconciliation with God.

Latest Blog Post

My heaven series booklist…

My heaven series booklist…

Many of you have been asking for a list of the books I’ve been referencing over the past six weeks during our sermon series, “HEAVEN: It’s Better Than You Ever Imagined.” So I thought I’d post about it today. Here are some of the books I read in preparation for the series on heaven.. HEAVEN