It's Time

In 586 B.C., the armies of Babylon had destroyed the temple in Jerusalem—God’s house, the symbol of his presence with them. In 538 B.C. King Cyrus of Persia overthrew Babylon and decreed that the Jewish exiles could return to their beloved city and rebuild the temple. So they traveled to Jerusalem and began the work. But due to opposition and confused priorities, nearly 18 years had passed and the work was still at a standstill (Ezra 4:4-5). Then a voice was heard, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai calling God’s people to consider their priorities. They were saying it wasn’t time to rebuild God’s house, but God disagreed. God spoke through Haggai telling His people, “It’s Time to Be Strong, Do the Work, and to Be Fearless!” Although Haggai is a small book, it is filled with challenge and promise, reminding us of God’s claim on our lives and on our priorities.

It’s Time to Consider Our Purpose

January 24, 2025 | Haggai 1:7-11 | generosity

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Isn’t purpose one of the most basic questions we ask ourselves? “Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose?” Some look around them and find purpose from the external sources. This is the traditional approach: My family and my community give me my identity and purpose. The post-modern approach is more common today: I look within to find my identity and purpose. But both of these approaches, the outward and the inward, fall short. They both lead to false identities and meaningless lives without real purpose and fulfillment.

In the book of Haggai 1:7-11, God challenged His people to consider their ways to bring them into alignment with God’s ultimate purpose for their lives. We can consider our ways to bring them into alignment with God’s ultimate purpose for our lives.

It’s Time to Consider Our Priorities

January 24, 2025 | Haggai 1:1-6 | generosity

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The pressures, demands, expectations, and tasks that push in from all sides assault our schedules. Do this! Be there! Finish that! Respond to that email! Answer that text! It seems as though everyone wants something from us—family, friends, employers, school, church, children’s sports and activities… Soon there is little left to give, as we run out of energy and time.

We find ourselves rushing through life, attending to the necessary, the immediate, and the urgent. The important is all too often left in the dust. Our real problem is not the volume of demands or lack of scheduling skills, but our priorities—what is truly important to us?

In Haggai chapter 1:1-6, the prophet challenged the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile to consider whether they were giving God and His house priority. We can consider whether we’re giving God and His Kingdom priority.

The Three Gifts

The three gifts the Magi brought to Jesus were very unusual gift to give to a baby. Yet, they are perfectly suited for One who is King, Mediator and Savior.

The Gift of Myrrh

December 22, 2024 | Luke 2:1-20 | christmas

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The gift of gold points to Christ as King. The gift of frankincense points to His divinity and priestly work. So what does the gift of myrrh point to? It points to the cross. The gift of myrrh points to Christ as Savior!

In the Gospel of Luke, he recorded the shepherd’s faithful response to the good news that Christ the Savior had been born. We too can faithfully respond to the good news about Christ the Savior has come.

The Gift of Frankincense

December 15, 2024 | John 1:1-18 | christmas

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In John 1:1-18, the apostle John bore witness of Jesus as the Son of God who came into the world that we might believe in Him and become children of God. The Magi’s gift of frankincense points to Christ’s divinity. We can believe John’s witness that Jesus is the Son of God.

The Gift of Gold

December 8, 2024 | Matthew 2:1-12 | christmas

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Have you finished your Christmas shopping? Don’t you feel the tension? Don’t you feel the pressure to spend more money than you have in order to give your kids (spouse, grandkids…) everything on their list? You want everyone to be happy and you want to be happy, so you spend, spend, spend… And the more you spend, the less it feels like Christmas. Or what it’s supposed to mean.

How can we pull our affection off of the crazy, chaotic spending spree that comes every December and instead focus on worshiping Christ as King? How can we spend less and worship more?

In the gospel of Matthew, the story of the birth of Jesus is told within the political backdrop of the times. From the beginning there was a battle between worshiping the true King and the false king Herod. The challenge for us is to remove our worship from the false king and to put our worship on the true King, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Greater: An Exposition of Hebrews

In this series, we are going verse by verse through the book of Hebrews. This book is all about Jesus and how he is greater than all!

A Greater Possession

November 24, 2024 | Hebrews 10:26-39 | exposition

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Do you understand the great possession offered to in Christ Jesus? Perhaps you once did. But you’ve been feeling disheartened? Maybe you’ve been hurt by someone in the church and you’ve lost sight of the prize you have in Christ. Maybe you’ve wondered if staying faithful is worth the struggle. The early readers of Hebrews faced those same doubts. Some had suffered great loss for their faith. Others were tempted to return to the familiar rituals of their old life. They were at risk of turning away from their greatest treasure: their possession in Christ. Disappointment, suffering, or the busyness of life can distract us. The world promises possessions and comforts that seem tangible and immediate, but these things pale in comparison to the eternal and abiding possession we have in Christ. Hebrews reminds us of the surpassing worth of Jesus!

In Hebrews 10:26-39, the author warned believers to remember their greater possession in Christ. We can remember our greater possession in Christ.

A Greater Way

November 17, 2024 | Hebrews 10:19-25 | exposition

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How have you responded to Christ’s claim to be not only the greatest way, but the only way to come to God? To come to the Father? Many in our world today struggle with this claim. They try to reach God, or their idea of God, through human means, through religion or rule-following or some other way. But they all fall short. Others believe that Christ has opened the way to God, but they don’t feel assured that they are worthy of it or that they can be sure of it. While others are confident of their new position in Christ, but they aren’t taking full advantage of what Christ has accomplished in opening this new and living way to the Father.

Perhaps the author of Hebrews had all these responses to Christ in mind as he shifted from 10 chapters of propositional truth to prescription, from doctrine to deeds.

In Hebrews 10:19-25, the author told the Hebrew believers that they could confidently respond to the new and living way that Christ had opened up for them to God. We can confidently respond to the new and living way Christ has opened to God.

A Greater Offering

November 10, 2024 | Hebrews 10:1-18 |

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Many people struggle with feelings of guilt. They can’t believe that God would forgiven all their sins in Christ Jesus. They struggle with shame over past sins. Others have received forgiveness and the joy that goes with it, but they struggle with perfectionism, thinking that God will love them more if they perform some great work for Him, or follow some list of rules and rituals more perfectly. But perfectionism leads to exhaustion, not rest. It leads to thinking of your relationship to God as one of earning favor, rather than being favored as His very own child.

The people of the old covenant needed a perfect sacrifice that could fully cleanse them, free them from the burden of sin, and restore them permanently to God. Like them, we need assurance that our sin is fully dealt with—that we don’t need to rely on our own strength or efforts to be right with God. We can trust that Christ’s perfect offering is sufficient.

In Hebrews 10:1-18, the author told the Hebrew believers that the offering of Christ is greater than the offerings of the old covenant. We can understand that the offering of Christ is greater than the offerings of the old covenant.

A Greater Sacrifice

November 3, 2024 | Hebrews 9:15-28 | exposition

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Are you put off by all the talk of blood and sacrifice that you see in the Bible? Does the idea of Christ’s crucifixion offend you and cause you to turn your eyes away? As one person said to me, “I just don’t get all the talk about blood and cross-carrying. I’m looking for a more positive spirituality.” Or perhaps you have heard the message of Christ’s sacrifice and it has moved you to repent of your sins and believe? You’ve understood the message of love that Christ’s great sacrifice has put on display?

His great love moved Him to make the greatest sacrifice in order to save those who believe in Him. For Jesus is greater and His sacrifice is greater. In Hebrews 9:15-28, the author told the Hebrew believers that the sacrifice of Christ is greater than the sacrifices of the old covenant. We can understand that the sacrifice of Christ is greater than the sacrifices of the old covenant.

A Greater Tabernacle

October 27, 2024 | Hebrews 9:1-14 | exposition

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Do you feel like a VIP with God? Or do you struggle with self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy? Maybe feelings of shame and guilt linger from your past and you’ve never been able to experience complete cleansing and forgiveness? Maybe you’re feeling a disconnect with God today? You’re going through a season of spiritual dryness? In fact, instead of feeling like a VIP, you feel that God is distant from you and not hearing your prayers?

That’s what this message is about today. Because through the ministry of Jesus in God’s heavenly tabernacle we are offered VIP access to God! In Hebrews 9:1-14, the author told the Hebrew believers that the heavenly tabernacle where Jesus serves as High Priest is greater than the old. We can understand that the heavenly tabernacle where Jesus serves as High Priest is greater than the old.