
We celebrate the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Behold the Empty Tomb

April 17, 2022 | Matthew 28:1-10 | easter

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Have you really looked at the implications of the empty tomb? Because the empty tomb means that the resurrected Jesus has overcome sin, death and the grave! Are overcome by shame and guilt because of some sin, or habit, or addiction? In Christ, you are forgiven and empowered to overcome it! Are you grieving the loss of a relationship or the death of a loved one? In Christ, we grieve, but not as those who have no hope. In Christ, the dead live again! Are you anxious and filled with fear? In Christ, we can overcome fear with faith in Him.

In the gospel according to Matthew, he recorded the instructions given to those who rightly beheld Christ’s empty tomb. When we rightly behold Christ’s empty tomb, we can obey these instructions.

Repent and Return

This series goes verse by verse through the book of Zechariah.

The Triumph of the Coming King

April 10, 2022 | Zechariah 14 | exposition, Second Coming

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Do you believe this promise of Christ’s return? Do you have this hope that He will soon return to triumph over evil and establish His kingdom on earth? Or have you fallen into despair and doubt over the terrible condition of this old world?

In the final chapter of Zechariah, chapter 14, the prophet recorded God’s promise that a Day was coming when the Messiah would triumph over evil and establish His Kingdom over all the earth. We can look with hope for Christ’s triumphal return as King.

On That Day

April 3, 2022 | Zechariah 12-13 | exposition

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Are you ready for Christ’s return? We’ve learned how to get ready for other things. We had to learn how to get ready for school…how to get ready for work…how to get ready for a long trip… how to get ready to buy our first house. Everything has prerequisites and requirements. You can’t just show up at the bank and hope they’ll give you a loan. You can’t just walk into a college classroom and call yourself a student. You have to get ready.

But how do you get ready for the coming of King Jesus? How do you get ready to face Judgment Day and eternity? Well, that’s the question that today’s message from Zechariah answers. It was written to prepare God’s people for Christ’s second coming. In Zechariah 12-13, the prophet received a second oracle from the LORD revealing the promises that Jesus the Messiah would fulfill for Israel in the last days at His second coming. Jesus has already made these promises available to us today.