It's Time

In 586 B.C., the armies of Babylon had destroyed the temple in Jerusalem—God’s house, the symbol of his presence with them. In 538 B.C. King Cyrus of Persia overthrew Babylon and decreed that the Jewish exiles could return to their beloved city and rebuild the temple. So they traveled to Jerusalem and began the work. But due to opposition and confused priorities, nearly 18 years had passed and the work was still at a standstill (Ezra 4:4-5). Then a voice was heard, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai calling God’s people to consider their priorities. They were saying it wasn’t time to rebuild God’s house, but God disagreed. God spoke through Haggai telling His people, “It’s Time to Be Strong, Do the Work, and to Be Fearless!” Although Haggai is a small book, it is filled with challenge and promise, reminding us of God’s claim on our lives and on our priorities.

It’s Time to Worship With a Right Heart

February 16, 2025 | Haggai 2:10-17 | exposition, generosity

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God cautions His people to understand that worshiping God, both giving and serving, must come from a heart that is pure and devoted to Him, not just outward religious activity. God cares more about the attitude of our hearts than the amount of our giving. He cares more about our motive than our money. He desires that we worship with a right heart.

In Haggai 2:10-17, God told the prophet Haggai to help the Israelites to understand that what really matters to God is that they worship Him with a right heart.

It’s Time to Trust God for the Results

February 9, 2025 | Haggai 2:6-9 | exposition, generosity

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Do you worry about success? At work? For your family? In other words, do you worry about how things are going to turn out? Sure, we can put the work in, but how do we know it will be successful in the end? Is there a more trustworthy way to live?

In Haggai 2:6-9, the Lord told the prophet Haggai to tell His people that if they would persevere in building His house, they could trust Him for the end result. We can join God in His kingdom work and trust Him for the end result.

It’s Time to Be Encouraged

February 2, 2025 | Haggai 2:1-5 | generosity

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Discouragement is one of the greatest obstacles to faithfulness in serving God. When things don’t seem to be going the way we expected, we can easily lose heart. The people in Haggai’s day faced this same struggle. They had begun rebuilding the temple, but it didn’t compare to the former glory of Solomon’s temple. Many became disheartened, and some questioned whether their efforts were even worth it.

How are you doing today? Are you facing some obstacle or difficulty that has you feeling discouraged, even feeling like giving up, or quitting? We all have feelings of discouragement from time to time. How can we find encouragement during times like this?

That’s what today’s message is about. How to be encouraged in the Lord! In Haggai 2:1-5, the people of God were encouraged to overcome their discouragement and to persevere in His work. We can be encouraged to persevere in God’s work.