“So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.” (2 Chronicles 10:19 ESV).

The Chronicler described how the Northern tribes of Israel rebelled against David’s grandson, King Rehoboam. He reported that they were still in rebellion at the time of his writing, which was after the Babylonian exile.

Yet his report about Israel’s rebellion against the son of David also has a prophetic meaning. For the Jewish people rejected Jesus, the Son of David, as their Messiah and King. They continue to reject Him to this day.

However, there is coming a day when not only Israel’s rebellion will end, but the rebellion of all humanity will end. For in the last days there will be a great stirring among the Jews, so that many will look to Jesus as Messiah. Indeed, there is coming a Day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil. 2:10).

PRAYER: Father, thank You for Jesus. He is the promised Son of David, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Christ, our Savior and Lord. We willingly bow our knees and our hearts to His Lordship. For by grace through faith in Him we have been saved. Now we pray for those who are still in rebellion against You by their rejection of King Jesus. Lord, soften their hard hearts that they might hear and believe the Good News. In Jesus’ name, amen.