“Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the returned exiles were building a temple to the Lord…” (Ezra 4:1 ESV).

After 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Jews were allowed to return to the land of Judah by the Persian king, Cyrus, who charged them to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. However the peoples who had inhabited the land in their absence had been brought in by the kings of Assyria. Over time these colonists had intermarried with the remaining Jews of the land. Based out of the city of Samaria, they came to be known as the Samaritans and became “adversaries” of the returning exiles. Ironically, their opposition came in the form of an offer to help saying, “Let us build with you, for we worship your God as you do” (Ezra 4:2).

This form of opposition still happens today. When today’s “Samaritans” hear there is a new work being planted, they often volunteer to help. One of the most dangerous ploys of the evil one is disguised as an offer of assistance. It’s tempting to accept because a new ministry is nearly always lacking in both people and financial resources. This sense of desperation can lead to accepting an infiltration that hinders the new ministry from within.

The returning exiles to Jerusalem wisely refused to fall for this trap. Of course, their refusal merely unmasked the enemy’s true motivations. The enemies of God then began an external attack.

We shouldn’t be surprised that enemies come against us in ministry. But we can wisely avoid being unequally yoked with those who would eventually disunify and destroy from within. So let us beware when the Samaritans offer to help.

PRAYER: Dear Father, give us wisdom as we begin new ministries and works to which You call us. Help us to remember Your warning not to be unequally yoked. Strengthen us to live in peace and unity as Your church. In Jesus’ name, amen.