“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 ESV).

Esther, whose name means, “star,” won King Xerxes’ beauty contest and was crowned as his queen. She went from being a Jewish orphan to a Persian queen. Her relative, Mordecai, who had raised her as his own when her parents died, asked her not to forget her people and to consider God’s purpose for her new position.

Some time later, although she was afraid, she asked her people to fast and pray for three days, after which she went before the king to make an appeal. She told the king of an evil conspiracy an official named Haman had put into motion against the Jews. The Lord gave her favor with the king and wicked Haman was executed and her people rescued.

When God elevates us to a new job or position, we should consider how the Lord wants to use our new influence. “Who knows?” Perhaps God put you just where you are today, so that you might tell someone about the One who can rescue them from sin and death. Perhaps you were put in this very position for this very time that you might fulfill God’s purpose.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we don’t understand the times in which we live. Help us to see our purpose in this time. And strengthen us to carry out faithfully the calling You have given us for this season. In Jesus’ name, amen.