“I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love” (Psalm 59:16 ESV).

David wrote this psalm during the time when he was being pursued by Saul and his men. David expressed his determination to begin each day singing of God’s power and loving mercy. For he saw that the Lord was his defense and refuge during his time of trouble. But David wasn’t planning to just hum hymns quietly each morning. No, he had decided to “sing aloud” to the Lord, so that all could hear.

Why do many believers today wake up complaining rather than singing praises to God? Isn’t it because we have forgotten to depend on God’s power and mercy? We wake up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. We have nothing to sing about because we have been trying to live according to our own strength and then judging ourselves harshly for coming up short. But God is able. He is ready to empower us by His Spirit. And He does not judge us for our weakness, but shows us mercy, defending us in our day of trouble.

Have you ever tried singing aloud to God when you wake up in the morning? Singing to God, especially when you may not feel like singing? Try it. And watch and see the Lord move to strengthen and encourage you during that whole day.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we want to depend on Your power for living today. Our bodies are weak, but Your Spirit is full of power. Strengthen us. And Lord, help us to receive Your mercy and grace. For we often judge ourselves and others harshly, rather than seeing ourselves and others through the lens of love as You do. In Jesus’ name, amen.