“For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption” (Psalm 16:10 ESV).

Both the apostles Peter and Paul quoted this Psalm of David to make a case for Christ’s resurrection. Peter quoted this verse from King David in his sermon on the day of Pentecost describing him as a prophet who foresaw the resurrection of the Christ. Peter told the great crowd of Jews gathered in Jerusalem that they knew that David was dead and buried, so this verse must be predicting the Messiah’s death and resurrection. When he finished preaching, the people believed and three thousand were saved that day (Acts 2:14-41).

When the apostle Paul preached the gospel at Antioch, he quoted this same Psalm to support that the Bible had predicted the resurrection of the Messiah (Acts 13:16-41).

This verse is an example of the immediate, ongoing, and ultimate fulfillment of much of biblical prophecy. For God has not left David’s soul in “Sheol,” which is the place of death. For David is with the Lord. And God did not let His Holy One, Jesus Christ, see corruption. For He raised Him up on the third day. Yet ultimately, at Christ’s return, God will raise up not only David, but all the saints of God to eternal life.

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for Your Word, which is fulfilled in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You that we do not have to fear death. For we know that You will not abandon us, but as Jesus promised the thief, we will be with You in paradise. Help us to live boldly for You, knowing this sure promise. In Jesus’ name, amen.