“They taught throughout Judah, having the book of the Lord’s instruction with them. They went throughout the towns of Judah and taught the people” (2 Chronicles 17:9 HCSB).


King Jehoshaphat began his reign well by sending out teachers of God’s Word to teach all the people of Judah. Jehoshaphat took delight in the Lord and led his people to follow Him. And so, the fear of the Lord fell on the surrounding peoples so that they didn’t attack Judah, but instead brought tribute and gifts.
How important it is for a leader (king, president, pastor, or parent) to make sure those under their leadership are taught the Word of God. A family or nation grounded in God’s Word will prosper. One that fails to pass on the knowledge of God’s Word to the next generation, will not prosper.
How many generations must come and go before the knowledge of God’s Word is lost? Only one.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank You for Your Word. For it is light to our path and food for our souls. Even more, we thank You for Your Living Word, Jesus Christ. For we have received salvation through faith in Him. Strengthen us now to teach Your Word and proclaim Your gospel to everyone. In Jesus’ name, amen.