Having supper together

Mp074“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:30 KJV).

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42 NIV84).

I’ve always heard it said that the “family that prays together, stays together.” I think we should add breaking bread together to that prescription. I’m convinced that the family that eats supper together stays more healthy together.

I’m apparently not the only one who sees the value of having family meals together. According to author Miriam Weinstein:

“Eating ordinary, average everyday supper with your family is strongly linked to lower incidence of bad outcomes such as teenage drug and alcohol use, and to good qualities like emotional stability. It correlates with kindergarteners being better prepared to learn to read… Regular family supper helps keep asthmatic kids out of hospitals. It discourages both obesity and eating disorders. It supports your staying more connected to your extended family, your ethnic heritage, your community of faith. It will help children and families to be more resilient, reacting positively to those curves and arrows that life throws our way. It will certainly keep you better nourished. The things we are likely to discuss at the supper table anchor our children more firmly in the world. Of course eating together teaches manners both trivial and momentous, putting you in touch with the deeper springs of human relations.” – Miriam Weinstein, The Surprising Power of Family Meals – How Eating Together Makes Us Smarter, Stronger, Healthier and Happier

There is even a national movement to encourage families to eat supper together. Columbia University has started a group called CASA – The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. They are the sponsors of National Family Meal Day, on the 4th Monday of September every year. Their website says:

“Whether you’re cooking a gourmet meal, ordering food from your favorite take-out place or eating on the go, rest assured that what your kids really want during dinnertime is YOU! Family meals are the perfect time to talk to your kids and to listen to what’s on their mind.  The more often kids eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs.”

My wife and I have always led our family to have meals together at the table. No TV. No phones. Just family. We hold hands and say the blessing over the meal. We sit knee to knee and face to face, eating our food and discussing our day. We did this when our kids were small and when they were teens. Now, as grandparents we have dinner with our much larger family nearly every Sunday after church. I think it’s made a huge difference.

As a pastor I also see the value in our church family eating supper together too. We see this habit in the first-century church as recorded in Acts. It says they were “devoted” to “the breaking of bread.” It also says they had a daily practice of “breaking bread in their homes” together (Acts 2:46).

The early Christians understood that the church is not a building, it is a family. It is the family of God. And healthy families understand that they need to pray and eat together regularly.

Jesus Himself promises to come in and to “sup” with whoever answers His knock at the door. I like that. Jesus doesn’t just offer to come and sit in the living room. No, He offers to come and sit at our supper table and eat with us.

Are you eating supper with the family?


The uncommon community

Koinonia“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV84).

The first century Christians used the Greek word koinonia to describe their new community. This word is most often translated “fellowship” in the New Testament. It may also be translated “communion,” “partnership,” or “participation” depending on context. 

The word comes from the root word koine, which means “common.” Depending on usage, this word may mean to be “common” in the sense of being “ordinary,” or it may be used to describe something “held in common” or “shared.”

When the word is used to describe the original language of the New Testament, Koine Greek, it means ordinary Greek, common Greek. It was not the formal, classical Greek of Plato. It was the marketplace, everyday-Greek of the common people. I think God wanted the New Testament written in a language that common people could understand.

But when the first century Christians used koinonia to describe their newly formed community that began when the Holy Spirit filled them at Pentecost they certainly did not mean that this was a “common” or “ordinary” community. No, they used the word koinonia to describe the new life in Christ that they shared in-common and the new dwelling of the Holy Spirit that knit them together as one body.

Today, there are many common communities, ordinary fellowships of teams and tribes. They have a human sense of oneness built around a similar affinity. But this is not the koinonia of the New Testament. The fellowship of Christians in the New Testament was more than a likeness of belief and affinity, it was rebirth into the one family of God. It was the living Holy Spirit present in each and every one of them, binding them together as one.

You can’t have true fellowship, true koinonia, without the Holy Spirit. Without Him, it’s just a common get-together.

Invite Him to your next community group gathering. Look for Him in your next worship service. Listen for His presence in all of your gatherings. Then, you’ll finally experience the most uncommon of communities.


Tattoos, tribes and true community

Tattoo gangs“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 (NIV84)

What makes a true community?

People use the word community to describe all sorts of social groups. But what constitutes a “true” (real, authentic, fully realized) community? If we are born into the same race or family, does our membership in the same tribe equal true community? What if we wear the same colors, tattoo our bodies, endure the same initiation, does our gang become a true community? What makes a true community?

Psychologist and author, Scott Peck, says that most people have only experienced true community in accidental ways and that, usually during crisis. He says that most groups that people think of as communities are really just “pseudo-communities.” He believes that true community requires going through a four stage process of deepening relationships and connection.

These four stages are: (From A Different Drum, M. Scott Peck, M.D.)

  1. Pseudo-community: Where participants are “nice with each other”, playing-safe, and presenting what they feel is the most favourable sides of their personalities.
  2. Chaos: When people move beyond the inauthenticity of pseudo-community and feel safe enough to present their “shadow” selves.
  3. Emptiness: This stage moves beyond attempts to fix, heal and convert found in the chaos stage. Here, people become capable of acknowledging their own woundedness and brokenness, common to all human beings. Out of this emptiness comes the possibility for true community.
  4. True community: At this stage the process of deep respect for others and true listening to the stories of others takes place. Peck describes this true community as “glory.” He believes that it reflects a deep yearning in every human soul for compassionate understanding from one’s fellows.

Peck’s description of true community as the “deep yearning in every human soul” is what drives us to tattoo ourselves and identify with tribes. We all have a deep desire for true community.

The Bible teaches us that God made us with this “deep yearning.” He made us relational. He made us to be in relationship with Him and with others. That’s why Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God and to love others as ourselves. In other words, God designed us to be in true community with Him and with HIs people.

As I look at any community that approaches the level of being “true,” they always have a certain “DNA” in common. The first century church described in the book of Acts certainly had this DNA. They had four traits in common. These four traits were a devotion to the apostle’s teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. Restated, they might be 1) a common belief, 2) a common identity, 3) a common practice, and 4) a common dependence.

This coming Sunday we’re launching a new 4-week sermon series entitled “The DNA of Real Community.” We hope you’ll be able to hear every one of these important messages. But more than that…

… we hope you find the true community that is found in Christ alone.

(This article is an edited version of the original written by Gary Combs in September 2008.)

Serving in two places

“But Jesus called them to him and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many'” (Matthew 20:25-28 ESV).

“Pastor, you’re always talking about how God gives us spiritual gifts and a call to serve, but I don’t know what my gifts are and I don’t really feel especially called to serve anywhere.”

“Hey pastor, I know you keep saying that we need more workers in the nursery, but I don’t feel called to serve there.”

“Hey PG! I noticed there’s a need for more greeters during the second service. I think I can add that to my Sunday routine if I can just be 10 minutes late for my tech booth duties. Of course, I’m also helping with Lord’s Supper every 5th Sunday, so I couldn’t do it on those days. But…”

These are just a few of the types of comments that I receive from WCCers on a regular basis. There are those who are unsure of their gifting and don’t know where to serve. There are those who always feel that their gifts are somewhere other than where the greatest needs are. And then there are those who do too much, wearing themselves out trying to answer every need.

How I answer depends on the person, but there’s an ideal balance that we advise everyone to follow.

Serve in two places: One according to gifting and one according to need.

This answer satisfies all concerned. It encourages the one who doesn’t feel gifted to get started and try something. It corrects the one who feels that some jobs are someone else’s duty and never theirs. It also helps the one who takes on too many jobs to limit themselves to only two.

The idea of serving in two places also accomplishes two things in the one serving. Using their giftedness in the first place of service edifies them and the church. They will burn with passion and grow in the use of their gift. The church will be built up as they serve in their sweet spot.

Serving in the second place of need will teach them humility and make them more like Jesus. Sweeping floors, picking up trash, changing diapers, serving coffee… serving in the second place refines their servant’s heart.

And it also shows others a little bit more of Jesus, “who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Becoming a team

Hi-res-148452209_crop_650x440“Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other” (Romans 12:5 GW).

The USA Men’s Olympic Basketball team seems destined for a gold medal in London in 2012, but nothing should be taken for granted. The one thing that we’ve learned is that just sending a bunch of NBA stars to the Olympics isn’t enough to guarantee a gold. They actually have to play as a team in order to win.

After the 2004 team lost to Argentina, Sports Illustrated reported: “The Americans won’t be the Olympic basketball champions for the first time since 1988, beaten by an Argentine team that lacks stars but simply knows how to play together better” (“End of An Era,” Sports Illustrated, August 27, 2004).

In basketball it seems that team trumps talent. It’s no longer enough to just have the most talented players. They have to be able to play together. They have to be willing to humbly play a team role. They must learn to rely on each other.

It’s not just America’s basketball program that needs to learn this lesson about the importance of teamwork. It’s American Christians and American churches too.

Following Christ isn’t an individual “sport” either. Sure, we come to Christ individually. No one can make the decision to follow for us. Each one must decide for themselves. But coming, we join His band of disciples. We become a member of Christ’s body.

If we want to truly follow Christ and answer His call, then we will join His team. We will discover our Spiritual gifts and offer them to fulfill our unique role in His church. We will serve and give, humbly and sacrificially. We will network with other churches and organizations. We will be willing to become a team, connected by the Spirit of Christ in us.

Who gets your gold medal?

2012-olympic-medalsCelebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!” (Philippians 4:4 Msg).

Have you been staying up past your bedtime to celebrate with those who have won gold medals this week? Every evening NBC has ordered up their coverage in such a way that leaves us hanging on until Midnight to see if the USA gets to take the medal stand. They have certainly hooked me and my wife. We’ve stayed up late every night to see who gets the gold and who sings along with the National Anthem.

Whether you’re hooked on the Olympics or not, everyone loves a good celebration. And speaking of love, we tend to celebrate what or whom we love.

What or who are you celebrating? What’s causing you to stand and wave your arms? What makes you shout and sing? Where are you seeing fireworks, blowing out candles, giving gifts, awarding medals… what do you celebrate?

Celebration is like worship. We recognize that something or someone is worthy and then we give them what they’re worth. We celebrate. We worship. That’s what humans do.

But without the love of God in our hearts, we celebrate lesser things. The Bible calls this idolatry. Idolatry is celebrating, worshiping anyone or anything ahead of God or in place of God.

According to Jesus, the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). Loving God “with all” doesn’t mean that you can’t love anything or anyone else, but it does mean that you must love God first and most.

When it comes to who you love and celebrate, God deserves your gold medal.

Three Simple Commitments

So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it” (Philippians 3:15-16 The Message).

“‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.'”(Matthew 4:19 NIV84).

I have noticed two opposite extremes in our generation concerning commitment. The first is a real hesitancy to commit to anything. We see this in many areas, but one of the most obvious is our generation’s fear of commitment as regards marriage. Men, especially exhibit this lack of commitment when they expect to live with a woman and experience all the benefits without the responsibility of a life fully devoted to one another in a marriage covenant.

The other extreme that I’ve observed is a tendency to over-commit. This person says “yes” to everything. They commit themselves to so much that they are unable to fulfill any of their commitments. The net result in some ways is similar to the first extreme. Committing to everything is like committing to nothing. Making real commitments that we actually keep means we have to say “no” to lesser things.

The apostle Paul points us towards how we might determine what these commitments should be. He talks about keeping a “focused” and “total commitment.” This involves asking God to give you a “clear vision” to know how to totally commit to a few important things.

The call of Jesus gives us the foundation for all our other commitments. He called his disciples to a simple, focused commitment to follow him. Looking at his call in Matthew, there appears to be three simple commitments implied in this following of Jesus:

  1. A commitment to celebrate God’s Son (He calls us to “come” to him, leaving behind our own priorities and worshiping him with priority).
  2. A commitment to connect to God’s people (He calls us to “follow him,” not a religion or a list of commandments, but to himself. He calls us to a relationship with him and his disciples).
  3. A commitment to contribute to God’s kingdom (He calls us to an adventure, to be “fishers of men,” making the proclamation of God’s kingdom our life’s pursuit).

There’s real power for life-change in making a few focused and simple commitments to Jesus. Are you ready to commit?

Are you a hindrance?

132932183_d28119522b“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'” (Matthew 19:14 ESV).

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The teacher asked her first graders.

“I want to be a police officer!” Shouted a little boy down front, while frantically waving his hand for the teacher’s attention.

“Next time, wait until I call on you Johnny.” The teacher admonished. “But wanting to be a police officer is a good thing. I bet you would be great at it!”

Johnny smiled and nodded his head at the teacher’s approval. He was happy that she liked his career choice.

Good teachers and parents want to affirm their children’s aspirations. They don’t want to “hinder” their dreams.

Yet, we often “hinder” our child’s spiritual receptivity. Whether intentional or not, we can be a hindrance to our children coming to Christ.

Here are just a few ways that we can “hinder” our children in coming to Jesus:

  • Having an attitude that children are beneath your “adult” talk of faith.
  • Your own lack of belief or poor example.
  • Any false teaching that casts doubt on God’s Word
  • The weight and priority that you give to following God.
  • The kind of example you give of a father (Earthly fathers affect a child’s view of their Heavenly Father).
  • (In the church) A lack of committed teachers and volunteers for children’s ministry.
  • (In the church) Not enough space and resources given to children’s ministry.

The truth is that children are more receptive to believing in God than adults. Growing older and being more exposed to worldly things does not increase their spiritual receptivity. It lowers it.

Children are the most open to the gospel of all people.

How do you think you are doing at “letting the little children come” to Jesus? How do you think our church is doing?

Do you see any hindrances?




Messed up in Guatemala

Guatemala 310“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6 NIV).

We’re proud of our Guatemala Mission Team. We sent 13 of our very best WCCers to work, serve and teach in a Church school in Guatemala City. They’ve been there all week. They will finish up their 10-day trip and return to the States this Saturday.

I’ve loved reading their daily blog posts and seeing the photos of our team. I can’t help but be moved spiritually and emotionally as I read about their experiences with the children and school teachers.

I’ve also been moved hearing how close this team has grown to one another. There is something powerful about being “partners in the gospel.” There is a joy and a oneness that the Holy Spirit causes to bubble up inside when we work together for the sake of the gospel.

Before our Guatemala Team left, we commissioned them. In my commissioning prayer, I prayed that they would get so “messed-up” for Jesus on this trip that they would come home and get us “messed up” too.

“Messed-up?” You ask.

Yes, I’m praying that God so messes up their comfort zones, their worldviews, and their hearts, that they bring their messed up selves back home and can’t go back to their normal lives. I’m praying that they are ruined for this world and only have eyes for the Kingdom of God.

Looking at the faces they’ve been posting… I think my prayers are already being answered.

Having church in a ballpark

481217_10150921930508246_1154209905_n“Do good things for the city where I sent you as captives. Pray to the Lord for the city where you are living, because if good things happen in the city, good things will happen to you also” (Jeremiah 29:7 NCV).

We had church at the ballpark last night. I’ve agreed to be the team chaplain for our local baseball team, the Wilson Tobs. The Tobs play in the Coastal Plain League, a NCAA sanctioned collegiate summer baseball league. They have college players from all over the U.S. spending their summer with us in Wilson.

Last night, I had the honor of throwing out the first pitch. Catcher, Heath Holliday (#5 talking to me in the photo above) made me look good, saying, “Good pitch Pastor. That one definitely caught the inside corner!” Heath is from Oklahoma City, OK.

550635_10150921928683246_1834034210_nAround 100 WCCers showed up in the sweltering heat (+90 degrees) to support the team. Our worship band, led by my son Stephen, offered an hour of worship music as people entered the stadium before game time. I preached a short sermon on the Lord’s Prayer from home plate to those gathered in the stands. Our own Talia Jernigan sang the National Anthem. And after the game, Bobby Pittman led a WCC crew that provided a postgame meal of chicken pastry for both teams.

“Have you ever had chicken pastry?” I asked my new friend Heath from Oklahoma.

“No sir. I can’t say that I have.” He answered.

“Oh, you’ll love it.” I said, while patting him on the shoulder.

550567_10150921931088246_1719230268_nSome might wonder why we would take our church to the ballpark on a Wednesday night, but we love taking our church to the city. Sure, it was hard work and terribly hot and we’re not sure if we made an impact or not. But we do know that we did our best to “do good for our city.”

We are praying to the Lord for our city. We want people to come to Christ in Wilson. When we see all of these young baseball players from all over the U.S. coming to our city, we sense an even more strategic call to share the gospel with them. They could carry the good news to their home towns too.

554734_10150921930133246_1249726066_nTomorrow I’m returning to the ball field to hold a short devotion with the team before another home game. I’m praying that these young men will be open to spiritual things and that God will speak through me. I think it might be easier now that they’ve seen us having church in a ballpark.