Choose life

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19 ESV).

This coming Sunday churches around the nation are remembering Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. In my research and preparation for preaching this Sunday, I came across a website that offers a lot of great insights into the plague of abortion that has ravaged our nation since 1973. Here is a link to a powerful video at

I also decided to register our church as one of the churches supporting the local release of the movie, "October Baby," this coming March. I previewed several of the clips from the movie and read the back story about the writer, producer, director and actors and found the movie to be a very powerful and persuasive story about the aftermath of abortion. I plan to encourage our local Carmike Theater to show it on opening weekend, March 23rd. Here's a link to the movie's website and a short trailer:


Body for God

Prayer_raised_hands“The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body… Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sina person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:13-20 ESV).

I recently read a book by Dr. Ben Lerner titled, Body By God. It’s a good read. It comes from the premise that our bodies were made by God; therefore, we should take care of our bodies according to “God’s magnificent design.” The book offers great advice on diet, exercise and even stress management.

Lerner gets it right when he says that our bodies are made “by” God. The Bible agrees with this, but it goes one step further and says not only are our bodies made “by” God, they are also made “for” Him.

This is the case that the apostle Paul makes to the Christians living in the city of Corinth. The Christians there were greatly affected by the culture of their day. Corinth was known for its temple to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and fertility. It was said that the marble-pillared temple stood 1800 feet above sea level overlooking the sea harbor below and that 1000 temple prostitutes beckoned sailors from their ships up the marble steps to “worship.”

Paul speaks into this Corinthian culture saturated with an Aphrodite worldview and he says, “Flee from sexuality immorality!”

Paul teaches us to run from sexual sin, not just because it’s against God’s intent, not just because it’s bad for our bodies (“sins against his own body”), but mostly because our bodies are not our own! Our bodies are made “for” God. They are to be like a “temple” for the Holy Spirit to dwell. Our bodies are to bring glory to the living God.

God made sex. He made it so that humanity might fulfill His purpose. He made us male and female and then He ordained that these two different, yet complementary beings would together show forth the image of God. As Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6). Sex was God’s idea and marriage was God’s plan for its celebration of oneness (“the two shall become one flesh”).

God made us for Himself. He cares about what we do with our bodies. That’s the best reason for keeping ourselves pure, so that we may “offer our bodies as living sacrifices” (Romans 12:1) of worship to Him.

War of the worldviews

Cover“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV).

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2 ESV).

In this election year there’s a lot of debate and dissension in our country. How do we find unity when we seem so far apart in our thinking?

What’s really at work here is deeper than politics and party platforms. There’s a battle simmering in our culture about the nature of reality, about what is really true and right. There’s a war of worldviews in America.

The dictionary defines worldview as:

world·view  (wûrldvyoo) n. 1. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. 2. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.

The Bible says that this war is really not against “flesh and blood.” In other words, it’s not against other people. It’s really against the evil one and the darkness of this world that deceives and darkens our thinking. This demonic and worldly deception is continually warring against our minds. Even Christians, who should have “transformed” minds and “renewed” ways of thinking are often caught up in the clutches of these worldly schemes.

The Barna Group took a national survey to see how a Christian or biblical worldview would affect their thinking on certain public issues. For the purposes of the survey, a biblical worldview was defined as follows:

• Believing that absolute moral truth exists;

• The Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches;

• Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic;

• A person cannot earn his or her way into heaven by trying to be good or do good works;

• Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and

• God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.

In the research, anyone who held all of those beliefs was said to have a biblical worldview. Overall, the research revealed that among those who identified themselves as born again Christians, only one out of five persons had a truly biblical worldview.

Not surprisingly, the Barna research found that adults without a biblical worldview had vastly different views of immoral and unethical behavior than those with such a view. For instance, those without a biblical worldview were:

• Around 100 times more likely to support abortion.

• Around 80 times more likely to say exposure to pornography is morally acceptable.

• 31 times more likely to believe living together before marriage is morally acceptable.

• 15 times more likely to believe homosexuality is normal and acceptable.

• 18 times more likely to endorse drunkenness.

• 12 times more likely to accept profanity.

• 11 times more likely to say adultery is okay.

• 8 times more likely to gamble by purchasing lottery tickets.

George Barna commented on the results of this survey, saying, “The primary reason that people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think—our attitudes, beliefs, values and opinions.”

As Christians, we should try to be good citizens and to be actively involved in the civic affairs of our country, but the real battle is the one for our hearts and minds. This battle is won one heart at a time. This war is waged by putting on the “whole armor of God,” so that our worldview comes into alignment with God’s as revealed in Scripture. Then, being salt and light, we can prayerfully and powerfully call others to the peace found only in the gospel.

Growing more like Jesus in 2012

Growing-plant“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52 NIV84).

For many years I have made it a habit to spend the last week of the year in prayer, meditation and Scripture study. I call it my annual study break. It’s also a time to evaluate how I am living life. I want to be intentional about how I live. It’s so easy to let the urgent and the maintenance stuff of life fill up my days. I want to know that I have focused on the important.

I have developed a tool for setting annual goals and for self-evaluation that I call my “Luke 2:52 Goals.” Reading a description of how Jesus grew in Luke 2:52 motivatied me to want to grow in those same ways. If Jesus grew, than I want to be like Jesus. I want to grow too.

Notice that Jesus grew in four areas. He grew in wisdom, stature, in favor with God and in favor with men. For the benefit of my goal sheet, I list these four growth areas as follows:

  1. Mental. 
  2. Physical.
  3. Spiritual.
  4. Social.

Under each category I list several items of which I believe God wants me to focus or where I want to grow for personal reasons. I try not to list too many things. I keep the total list small enough so that it fits on a single page. I usually post it in my church office and home study, so that I can see it every day.

Under “Mental” I might list: 1) Read a book a month, 2) Learn to play the banjo, 3) Take a course in Latin, 4) Attend a leadership conference, 5) Write four articles for the Wilson Times…

For “Physical” my list might be: 1) Lose 20 pounds to weigh 185, 2) Workout at Y three days a week, 3) Get a physical…

The “Spiritual” category might have items like: 1) Read the One Year Bible every day and post a comment about it on facebook, 2) Memorize the Sermon on the Mount, 3) Take a Sabbath day weekly to recharge and reflect, 4) Take two days quarterly and one week annually to reflect and study what God wants of me…

Social” might include: 1) Take Robin out on a date weekly (Friday night), 2) Be active in a WCC Community Group, 3) Spend quality time with my family (Sunday lunches and Combs family vacation in September), 4) Reach out to and pray for my neighbors (I name them specifically)…

I know that it is God’s job to cause me to grow more like Jesus. He is the One who will accomplish it. But I want to cooperate. I want to yield to the Spirit’s pull.

I want to grow more like Jesus. Don’t you?

The gift within a gift within a gift

2642“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).

“In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4 KJV).

My wife is a very curious woman. She loves surprises, but she works like Sherlock Holmes trying to uncover the mystery before hand. This makes surprising her at birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas a real challenge.

Did I mention that I love a good challenge?

Some years ago I used the nested box trick to keep her guessing. I had bought her a pair of amethyst earrings and had them wrapped at the jewelers in a tiny gold box. After sneaking the gift in the house, I rushed up the stairs and selected a series of ever-larger boxes that she had laid out in the guest room (She used this room to wrap packages for Christmas every year).

I placed the tiny gold box inside a slightly larger box and wrapped it. Then, I placed that box into one larger and so on until I had a gift box the size of a microwave. To keep her from getting suspicious when she shook the box (She liked to sneak and shake the boxes under the tree to guess what was in them), I filled each box with newspaper and added a five pound weight from my barbell set for good measure.

“Good gracious! What in the world is in this box?” She asked after admitting her failed attempts at shaking and guessing.

“You haven’t been sneaking and shaking boxes again?” I accused.

“Well, yes… I um… had to vacuum and I tried moving that big red box and it’s really heavy. What in the world is in there?”

“Your Christmas present.” I answered.

“Well, I can’t imagine what it is.” She continued with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Exactly.” I said with a confident shake of my head.

By the way, I’m not the first to come up with this whole gift within a gift idea at Christmas. In fact, the very first Christmas, God gave us such a gift.

When you read John 3:16 in the original Greek, you will notice a clause followed by two dependent clauses. I love studying God’s Word, not only does every word have meaning, but even the grammatical structure of its sentences reveal truth.

A simple expression of the structure of this verse looks something like this:

  •         For God so loved the world,
  •                 that he gave his only begotten Son,
  •                         that whosoever believeth in him
  •                                 should not perish,
  •                                 but have everlasting life.

Look closely at this diagram. Can you see the nested gift boxes from God?

The outer box that contains everything is God’s LOVE. God’s love is the motivating cause that produced the effect of the next, which is the gift of God’s Son, who is the LORD. Inside the gift of the Lord Jesus is the gift of LIFE. This gift is available to “whosoever” believes in Jesus.

God has given us a gift within a gift within a gift. But there’s one more surprise inside God’s gift of life… LIGHT! Whenever the life of Jesus is received, the Light of the World shines forth.

LOVE – LORD – LIFE – LIGHT – That’s the nested gifts that God offers us this Christmas!

When Robin opened the gigantic box on Christmas Eve and dug through box after box until she discovered the shiny earrings in the tiny golden box, she was overjoyed. That was a memorable Christmas for both of us. I love surprising my wife and she loves being surprised.

I think God must love surprising us too.

Unto who?

Lukeangels“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11 ESV).

“Unto you.” What unusual language. This is the message that the heavenly host declared to the shepherds watching their flocks at night.

“Unto who?” The shepherds may have asked.

Instead, they said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made know to us” (Luke 2:15 ESV).

This child was born as a gift unto us, unto the whole world. Have you ever really looked to “see this thing that has happened?” Because this is a very special gift. It is a gift that we must individually decide to receive. And it is a gift that once received, calls us to be those who give in the same way. There are at least three words that help us understand this gift:

  • A Sacrificial Gift. Jesus, the Son of God, gave up His heavenly status and stooped down to become a man. Born not in a king’s palace, but in a stable. Not in a bed, but in a lowly manger filled with hay. Jesus left heaven’s glory and took on man’s garbage, becoming a sin sacrifice for us.
  • A Relational Gift. God didn’t send money. He didn’t send a Christmas card. He sent His only begotten Son. Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophet Isaiah’s word that spoke of the Messiah to come whose name would be “Immanuel,” God with us. Jesus came to be with us.
  • An Incarnational Gift. Jesus is God in the flesh. This is what made the angels sing. Their King had become a man. They came as heavenly heralds proclaiming His entrance into this world.

Have you received this gift that was given “unto you?” Having received it, are you giving gifts this Christmas that carry the same three attributes?

Are you giving sacrificially to your church and to those in need?

Are you giving your presence, instead of more presents, spending quality time with people who need a friend?

And are you telling them about Jesus? Are you acting as His body in this world, proclaiming that the real meaning of Christmas is that the Savior, Christ the Lord has been born unto us?

Why spend for unsatisfying things?

Image5510181x“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:1-2 ESV).

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world” (C.S. Lewis).

I don’t mean to sound like a “Scrooge,” but I say, “Bah, humbug!” to overspending this Christmas.

Have you noticed that the more you spend, the less you are actually satisfied? There seems to be a crazy countering equation at work here. Once basic needs are met, spending on ourselves has ever diminishing results. Like a drug addict, our self consumption requires more and more spending to get the same effect.

How do we break this addiction? Simple. Or should I say, “Simplify.” Start simplifying your life. Live beneath your means. Don’t go into debt. Give your presence this Christmas, instead of more presents. Be with friends and family. Sing Christmas carols. Eat good food and tell the story of Immanuel, God with us.

So, what do you do with the money you don’t spend? Invest it in the Kingdom. That’s the only way to experience real satisfaction. Stop being a consumer, a taker, and start being a giver. Stop buying worldly things that will never satisfy, and start investing in eternal things.

Start a new family tradition this Christmas. Spend less and give more. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Would the wise men have worshiped at Walmart?

A BLACK FRIDAY CROWD“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:1-3 ESV).

Look at the crowd gathered in this photo. Are they rioting for Egyptian democracy as part of the Arab Spring? No. Are they representatives of the Occupy Wall Street movement preparing to march on City Hall? Nope. Not even close. Perhaps they are Justin Bieber fans who just heard about free tickets? No, It could be, but it’s not.

Riot_shopb(1)No, they are Walmart worshipers, I mean shoppers, waiting for the doors to open for the Black Friday sale the day after Thanksgiving. Many of them camped out for days in front of their favorite places, like Best Buy, Target and Walmart, to begin their celebration of the Christmas season.

I call them worshipers because of the love and sacrifice they exhibit in their devotion to participate in this day called Black Friday. Certainly they wouldn’t skip Thanksgiving dinner and a warm bed at home just to camp out for a sale on waffle irons! There has to be more to this. Right?

Walmart-black-friday-2010-adsTheir commitment reminds me of the martyrs who willingly went to their deaths in the coliseum. This year, they endured being robbed, gun shot, pepper-sprayed, trampled, tazed, and arrested, all for the chance at a Xbox or flat screen TV. They seem willing to risk their time, talent, treasure and even their very lives to participate in this awesome spectacle.

But they aren’t the first to waste their worship on the wrong king at Christmas.

At the very first Christmas a usurper named Herod claimed to be king of Israel. He wasn’t born to be king. This half-Jew, half-Idumean, came to power through accommodation to the Romans, ascending to office as a client-ruler of Israel in 37 BC. He was known as Herod the Great because of the great public building works he accomplished. Being a shrewd diplomat with both his Roman overseers and his Jewish underlings, he built public baths, viaducts, and public buildings in the Roman style, while at the same time spending a huge amount on super-sizing the Jewish Temple.

Brooklyn_Museum_-_The_Magi_Journeying_(Les_rois_mages_en_voyage)_-_James_Tissot_-_overallThe wise men who traveled from the East didn’t travel that great distance bearing gifts for King Herod. They were looking for the one “born king” of the Jews. These men were Magi, astrologers and students of the wisdom writings accumulated by the Babylonians and the Persians. Among these writings there was most probably a copy of the Hebrew Torah that the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer had taken when he conquered Judah and carried them captive to Babylon.

When the Magi studied the Torah, they surely discovered the prophesy of a Messiah being born that said: “A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel” (Numbers 24:17).

So, the wise men weren’t tempted to waste their worship on the false king Herod. Sure, he had all the glitter and gold, but they were looking for the One to whom the Scriptures pointed. They were looking for Jesus.

When they found Him, “they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11).

The wise men didn’t fall for King Herod’s Walmart in Jerusalem. They didn’t waste their worship on a false king. They remembered whose birthday they were there to celebrate. They worshiped King Jesus.

As the Rev. Tim Keller has said, “Worship is pulling our affections off our idols and putting them on God.”

Where will you worship this Christmas?

Of baptisms, fresh starts and deep fried turkey

Fryturk9“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…'” (Acts 2:38 NIV84).

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV84).

This coming Sunday we’re finishing our sermon series called “Faith Foundations” with a message about baptism. When I’m preparing for a message everything that happens that week tends to be seen through the lens of my study. This week has been no different.

Studying the doctrine of baptism, I’ve been thinking about how it symbolizes what Christ did for us and how it marks the beginning of a fresh start, a new life following Him. I’ve also been researching what the Bible says about the mode of baptism, so the practices of sprinkling versus immersion must be considered.

Speaking of new starts and immersion, we’ve decided to deep fry a turkey for Thanksgiving this year. The passing of my wife’s parents in recent years has left us struggling with how to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. We always drove to their home in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia every year. Arriving on Wednesday evening, we would stay through Saturday and each day had its own unique tradition of large meals and family fun.

But now our children and grandchildren look to us for what to do at Thanksgiving. That’s where the deep-fried turkey comes in. We’ve never done it before and it seemed like a good idea for a new tradition. So, I bought a 30 quart turkey fryer that uses a propane burner. I’ve studied the process carefully and interviewed several “turkey fryer aficionados.” These turkey chefs are passionate promoters of the fried bird, yet they all offered surprising warnings of what not to do.

“Don’t cook it on your deck. I got a buddy who burned his deck down cookin his turkey!”

“Make sure the bird isn’t frozen. If that turkey isn’t thawed, it’ll explode out of that hot oil like a guided missile across your yard!”

“Lower the turkey into the oil slowly, don’t just drop it in there. And for goodness sakes, make sure you have enough oil. It’ll take at least three gallons to completely immerse the whole bird. You don’t want a partially cooked turkey!”

Awesome. Apparently, this can be a dangerous yet delicious method of cooking, which makes it all the more attractive for the men in my family.

So, later today we’ll be immersing a completely thawed, season injected, 18 pound turkey into over three gallons of boiling peanut oil, cooked over an open, propane driven flame. I hope this new tradition doesn’t turn out to be a “baptism by fire.”

Pray for us. We will let you know how our attempt at a new tradition turns out.

Is there life after death?

Life-after-death“If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:14 NIV84).

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world… Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels…And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-46 NKJV).

What happens when we die? This is the oldest of human questions. Both our greatest philosophers and scientists have applied themselves to this mystery, yet the question remains.

Is there life after death?

We rarely wrestle with this question on the sunny days of our lives. It is the gloomy day of suffering and trial that moves us to wonder. It is the dark day of grieving a lost loved one that causes us to hope of a day of reunion. It is the day a doctor says “malignant” that we cry out to God for answers.

Job asked this question. When he had lost all his children and all of his wealth, when his body was covered with sores and he sat grieving in ashes, he longed for an answer. He hoped for a life beyond this one.

Jesus is God’s answer to our question about life after death. Jesus is the one who conquered death. His resurrection is the historical proof of life after death.

It is Jesus who holds the keys of life and death. He has the authority to answer this ultimate question. And it is Jesus who teaches us that what we do with His answer will determine our future destiny.

Jesus taught that there are two places prepared by God for all of humanity. He taught that He would be the Judge who would determine in which we would reside. His judgment is righteous and sure.

For those who believe and receive Jesus in this life as their Savior and Lord, He will welcome into His Kingdom. This is a prepared place, a heavenly place where believers will dwell with the Lord forever. For those who choose to reject Him and go their own way, He will reject them and send them into a place of everlasting punishment.

The Bible teaches that man was created to exist eternally. The decision we make in this life about Jesus will determine where we spend eternity. There are only two possible destinies: Heaven or Hell. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence.

How one answers the question, “Is there life after death?” really matters.