Servant leaders needed

86526552 “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant…” (Philippians 2:5-7).

“Can I intern at the church this summer?” Auston asked, a look of real sincerity on his face.

“We can’t pay you.” I said, watching to see his response.

“That’s OK. I just really want to help any way that I can. I really feel called to help our church.” He said, his enthusiasm bubbling over.

“Alright.” I said. “But ministry isn’t all that people expect it to be. Some days it’s standing up front preaching, but on others, it’s mopping the bathroom floor.”

Auston Auston Jones just finished his junior year at NC State. He started interning with us a couple of weeks ago. Since we just moved into our newly remodeled building, a lot of the work we have to do is very physical and often menial. The first week of his summer internship with us he was assigned the task of organizing and cleaning the storage room.

“Hey Auston, great job on organizing, but when are you going to mop the floor?” I asked, while pointing at the storage room floor.

“Hmm… I did already.” He answered. “It just won’t come clean.” He continued with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Well, you’re going to have to get some mop-training from someone because mopping is more than just moving the dirt around. It’s getting the dirt up.” I said, with a wry smile softening the critique.

He nodded his reply, his shoulders drooping a bit.

I knew this was a real test for him. At WCC, we’re looking for disciples who are “servant-leaders.” Before we promote someone to leadership, we want to make sure that they are willing to serve no matter how small the job. We want leaders who are first of all great followers and great servants. We want leaders who serve and lead like Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God, yet He humbled Himself and became a Servant. He demonstrates to us the kind of obedience He wants in His followers. He also shows us the kind of character He wants in those that He calls to lead. Jesus is looking for servant-leaders.

A few days after I had talked to Auston about getting some “mop-training,” I was a little surprised to see him standing outside the storage room smiling. In fact, I was surprised to see him at the church at all. A lot of volunteers lose their enthusiasm for ministry when they discover its reality. They often feel “called” to do something else.

“What’s Auston smiling about?” I asked one of our staff.

“He wants you to come look at the storage room floor.” She said.

“Why? Did you finally teach him how to mop?” I asked.

“Nope. He said that he googled “How to Mop” and watched a training video.” She answered with a giggle. “You should really go look. He is very proud of his floor.”

I went and looked at the floor. “Not bad.” I said. “Let’s see what else we have for you to do.”

247582_10150212318208246_323412473245_7470308_3541172_n So, this past week we had Auston teach at our high school youth meeting on Sunday evening, he taught at our men’s meeting on Monday evening, and on Wednesday evening he organized and led the Hot-Diggity-Dog church picnic.

On the morning after the picnic, I saw him sitting in our church coffee shop reading. “I’m surprised to see you here. I figured you’d take today off after last night.”

“Yeah, I am pretty tired, but it’s a good kind of tired.” He replied.

Auston is learning the value of service. When we humble ourselves to serve like our Lord Jesus and according to His empowerment, we discover a real sense of fulfillment, a “good kind of tired.” We also discover that our faithfulness in the little things leads to God trusting us with bigger things.

I’m praying that God keeps trusting our church with young men and women who will learn to become servant-leaders.


Words that lead to a name change

100_3350 “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NIV).

Robin and I celebrated our 32 year anniversary this week. We went to the beach for a couple of days to mark the moment and to thank God for all His blessings through the years (I took a few photos to remember the occasion. Here’s one of our beach chairs. Sorry, none of us. Seeing me in swimming trunks these days is not something worth remembering.).

As usual, we spent part of the time discussing our wedding day. This is something we do every year and this year was no different.

“OK, it’s 10 AM. What were you doing at this time 32 years ago?” I asked, while leaning back in my beach chair.

“I was in a panic about my hair not looking right.” Robin answered, pulling her hair back in the ocean breeze to demonstrate.

“I was looking for white dress socks at Tanglewood Mall in Roanoke. I didn’t realize my white tuxedo rental didn’t come with socks.” I said, laughing with the memory.

At 2:00 P.M. I hummed “Here comes the bride” and said, “What were you doing at this time 32 years ago?”

“I was doing something that I would gladly do over again.” She responded with a smile.

“What was that?” I deadpanned.

“Saying ‘I do” to you!” She answered, leaning in for a kiss.

“Wait a minute.” I said. “The preacher doesn’t pronounce us for another 30 minutes!”

“Very funny.” She said with a little smirk.

This kind of reminiscing usually goes on throughout our day. It’s amazing what power those two little words “I do” have. This is especially true for the bride. She marks her life long commitment with those words and then even her name is changed.

The Bible says that the Church is the bride of Christ. When we receive Him as our own and believe into His Name, we get a new name too. We become part of His family.

I have said “I do” to two very important people in my life. The first and foremost is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second is my sweet wife of 32 years, Robin.

There is real power and blessing in saying those words and meaning them.

Greater things?

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

What do you think Jesus meant when He said that we would do “greater things?” Will we walk on water or calm the waves? Will we heal the leper or pay our taxes with money found in a fish’s mouth?

We might. If Jesus enables us. I haven’t experienced any of these things, but I’m not ruling them out. I believe that Jesus meant what He said about those of us who have faith.

Perhaps we should be more focused on the latter part of what Jesus said, rather than the former. He explained that we would do “greater things” because He was “going to the Father.”  As it was, He was doing the work of the Father as one individual person, but when He returned to the Father, He became the Head of the Body, which is the Church. We can do “greater things” because He is in all of us doing them through us.

Another thought that comes to mind is that those who will do “greater things” have first placed their faith in Christ and begun to do the things that He did.

Are we as a church doing the things that Christ did? Are we feeding the hungry? Are we preaching the gospel? Are we offering healing and encouragement? If we aren’t believing in Jesus and attempting to do the things that He did, then there will be no seeing of “greater things.”

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of flying around Wilson in a little two-seat plane with my friend, Mike. Mike is a retired Air Force pilot. He overheard me talking about wanting to fly over our new church property and take some photos, so he offered to make it happen.

As we circled our new home, I could see our whole city laying out before me. I thought of Christ’s words, “Do even greater things.” And I prayed, “Lord, tell us how to use this property as a platform to offer Your grace to the people of this city and shine forth Your glory!”

I don’t know what it’s going to look like yet, but I believe we’re about to see “even greater things!”


End times questions that God does answer

May-21-is-Judgment-Day-by-Family-Radio-01 “He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth’” (Acts 1:7-8 NIV).

A lot of people are asking end times questions these days. Christians wonder whether we’re living in the last days before Christ’s return. Even secular people are so concerned with the state of affairs in the world that they are having apocalyptic thoughts.

“Is this the end of time?” They ask.

During times like these there are always “end-of-the-world” prophets that emerge, preaching their prognostications. One such prophet is Harold Camping, a self-described biblical scholar and radio mogul who says the Rapture will happen this Saturday, May 21, 2011, at exactly 6:00 P.M. local time (whatever your local time is). Camping has been making this prediction for several years, a recalibration from his earlier belief that the Rapture would occur in 1994.

In the book of Acts, the disciples asked Jesus this same question about timing. They wanted to know when the world would end and Christ would begin his reign. But Jesus was clear in his response. The answer to the question of when was not for them to know. Only God the Father knows the timing. Clearly, there is a tone of rebuke in Christ’s response to the disciples question. He responds that God will not answer these kinds of questions, saying, “It is not for you to know.”

However, there are end times questions that God does answer.

Questions like “How do you want us to live while we await your return?” are answered. Christ told his disciples that he wanted them to be filled with the Spirit and to be his witnesses to the world. He wanted them to carry the gospel to all peoples to prepare them for his return.

Questions like “Will you return someday?” are answered clearly too.

“After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven'” (Acts 1:9-11 NIV).

In other words, the angels told the disciples, “Don’t just stand there looking at the sky. Jesus is definitely coming back, so get to work doing what he said!”

It seems to me that we get focused on the wrong “end” of “end times.” In other words, instead of focusing on when the earth will end, we should be focusing on carrying the gospel to the “ends of the earth.” The closest that Jesus comes to talking about “when” the end will come is really based on when we fulfill his commission to “be my witnesses” to the “whole world.”

“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14 NLT).

Raison d’être

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

“To be or not to be” (Shakespeare, Hamlet)?

What is our purpose? Why do we exist? Or as the French would ask, “What is our raison d’être?” (Our “reason of being, reason for existence, purpose).

One popular approach is to look within ourselves for purpose.

“What do I want? What makes me happy or comfortable?”

Answering these questions, we set as our purpose the acquisition of these things. Therefore, our purpose for living is this: “I have desires and I exist to fulfill those desires.”

We see this view work itself out today when people view their identity through the lens of desire. They allow their appetite for sex or food or pleasure to determine purpose. Many contemporary social movements find their origins in this desire-driven approach to life.

But what if our reason for being is found outside rather than inside ourselves? What if we are creations of a Creator God? And what if He made us for His own purposes?

If God made us for a purpose, then don’t you want to know it?

I believe that God made us for a purpose. I believe that He calls us back to that purpose through His Son, Jesus Christ. When we believe in Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior, God gives our life new purpose.

The first question in the Westminster Catechism (Written in 1647 to teach biblical doctrine.) addresses this important matter. It asks:

     Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?

     A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, [a] and to enjoy him for ever. [b]

[a]. Ps. 86:9; Isa. 60:21; Rom. 11:36; I Cor. 6:20; 10:31; Rev. 4:11
[b]. Ps. 16:5-11; 144:15; Isa. 12:2; Luke 2:10; Phil. 4:4; Rev. 21:3-4

So, the best diagnostic question for purpose-filled living might be this: “Does my life glorify God?”

Or to paraphrase Shakespeare’s words, we all have to decide “to be or not to be” what God wants us to be.

Finding family

“… You belong to God’s family” (Ephesians 2:19 NCV).

“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29).

When we first learned that the company I worked for was transferring me to Wilson, NC, we weren’t excited. Both my family and Robin’s lived within easy driving distance. We both came from very close and connected extended families. Holidays, vacations, birthdays and weekends revolved around being with them. We didn’t want to leave.

When we arrived in Eastern NC we didn’t know anyone. Our children were ages five, two and one. Robin was a stay-at-home mom and I worked a corporate job that averaged 70 hours a week. We were overworked, overwhelmed and lonely.

I’m glad we found a church. We soon got very involved. I started teaching Sunday School for young couples. Before long, teaching this class became the catalyst that moved me to answer God’s call to preach. So, I quit my job, went to seminary and planted Wilson Community Church.

Now over 23 years have passed, 19 since we planted the church. When we first moved, we thought we’d only be here a little while. Surely, we would move back home to Virginia in only a couple of years.

But that didn’t happen. Instead, my children have grown up here. They have married spouses here. We have two grandchildren born here. And God has given us an extended family here too. Actually, it’s much bigger than the one we left behind. And it’s daily growing!

I’m thankful that God never calls us to leave something that He doesn’t replace a hundredfold. What at first seemed to us a temporary transfer has now become our home. We once felt that we were leaving family to be here. Now, we have family in both places.

On top of all these blessings, God has also given our Wilson family a home of its own. I’m thankful to God for a family that would work and wait together for this wonderful day. After 19 years of being a “portable church,” we just cut the ribbon on our very own building on April 30, 2011!

Have you left family or houses behind somewhere? Are you overwhelmed and lonely? Call out to God. He wants you in His family.

And if you live near Wilson, come join us. We’ve found family here.

Is your hope alive?

Sign “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3-5 NIV).

“I hope so.” I said.

I often respond that way when I wish something would happen, but actually have very little confidence that it will. In these instances I’m not really hoping, I’m really just wishing. But hope is more than a wish.

The real meaning of hope is much stronger than the way we often use it. The dictionary defines hope as follows:

Hope, noun hōp – 1. archaic : trust, reliance; 2. a: desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment <came in hopes of seeing you>; also : expectation of fulfillment or success <no hope of a cure>; b: someone or something on which hopes are centered <our only hope for victory>; c: something hoped for.

Notice the three ways hope is manifest: 1) as the expectation itself, 2) as the basis on which it is centered, as in something or someone, 3) as its object.

When the apostle Peter wrote about the “living hope” we have in Christ. All three of the implied meanings of hope are in view. First, our hope is “living” and not dead. It is filled with faith and belief. Second, the basis of our hope is in Christ and in His resurrection. Finally, our hope is focused on the future fulfillment of being co-heirs with Christ. Learning to really place all our hope in Christ is the key to having a living hope.

Photo-9 There’s one area that our hopes are finally being fulfilled. After 19 years of existing as a church that met in rental facilities, we’re finally moving into a home of our own. I have to admit that when people have asked whether we would ever see this day, I have usually responded, “I hope so.”

Now, it’s more than a wish. Praise the Lord! We’re cutting the ribbon this Saturday at 10:00 A.M. and then, our first worship services will be on this Sunday, May 1, 2011!

After the storm

Img_32031_video-by-steven-hoag-wilson-nc-tornado-as-it-hits-walgreens “Without warning, a furious storm came up” (Matthew 8:24).

We’ve been living in Wilson, North Carolina since 1987. Since then, we’ve seen our fair share of storms.  But last Saturday’s F2 tornado was a new experience.

Moving from the hills of Virginia, we weren’t accustomed to the annual reality of “hurricane season,” but after living here for over 20 years, we’ve learned to be on alert for the possibility of these devastating storms with innocuous names, like Hugo, Floyd, and Fran.

However, our hurricane experience didn’t prepare us for this nameless twister that plowed through Wilson cutting a narrow swath of destruction through town like a dizzy weed eater. Properties on either side of the tornado’s path were unscathed, but those in its track were ripped apart with a ferocity that is hard to describe.

Wilson-damage_3 Of all the places that this tornado could travel, it entered Wilson on the side of town where we are remodeling a building for our new church home. As it entered the intersection of Tarboro and Forest Hills, it stacked cars on top of each other in the Walgreens parking lot, flipped a 18-wheeler on its side, threw a boat still on its trailer onto the roof of Medlin Buick’s garage, blew out windows in the Holiday Inn, spearing it with debris, then made its way like a precision guided missile for our property. Crossing our parking lot it seemed to empty itself of all that it 100_3290 had vacuumed up… trees, metal roofing, a dumpster. It came right up to the edge of our building, grabbed a porta-potty belonging to our contractor and threw it 200 feet into the woods. Then, it suddenly turned hard left, going around our building, destroying the privacy fence in the back and throwing trees onto the neighboring houses and apartments behind us.

Our church building took some damage to the roof and guttering, but compared to our neighbors, we are so fortunate. We’ve spent the whole week cleaning up our property and getting insurance appraisals. But it could have beens so much worse.

One of our church families lost their home. Many of our members have spent the last couple of days helping them move their belongings to a storage unit. We’re thankful that no one was hurt. With all the destruction in Wilson, it’s a miracle that there were no fatalities.

How are we supposed to respond to furious storms that come upon us without warning? And how do we respond when our neighbors are hurt by storms and we aren’t?

The truth is that storms happen. They hit young and old, rich and poor, the good and the bad. In this world there will be storms.

When the disciples encountered a sudden storm while on the Sea of Galilee they were terrified, but Jesus lay sleeping in the boat. They cried out to him in fear and he awoke and calmed the storm, commanding the winds and the waves to be still.

This Easter weekend we are thankful to this same Jesus, who doesn’t leave us alone in life’s storms. He is present. He is with us through the storms. And when we call out to him, he hears us and calms our fears.

Whether the storms have names or move namelessly through our lives, we can call on the name of Jesus. He is risen. He is alive and present. We can call on him both during and after the storm.

Two weeks to remember

21-palm-branches “They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13)!

This coming Sunday we begin our remembrance of Passion Week with what Christians call Palm Sunday. So called because the crowds present on that day 2,000 years ago cut palm branches and waved them in the air shouting praises to Jesus as he made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

This particular week is given more space in the Bible than perhaps any other, except maybe the week of creation recorded in Genesis. All four gospels give almost daily details of what Christ did during this week that began with praise and ended with suffering

Have you ever compared these two weeks?

Day                Creation Week            Passion Week

Sunday            Light                         Triumphal entry
Monday           Sky/sea                     Cleansing the Temple
Tuesday          Land/plants               Teaching in the Temple
Wednesday      Moon/stars                Anointed in Bethany
Thursday         Birds/fish                  Last Supper/Garden of Gethsemane
Friday             Animals/man             Crucifixion and death
Saturday         God rested                 In the tomb

8th Day           Man’s fall                   CHRIST’S RESURRECTION!

The Bible mostly records history in broad strokes, occasionally zooming in to focus on certain events. But there are two weeks recorded in the Scriptures where greater detail is given– Creation week and Passion week.

Why do you suppose God wanted these two weeks so carefully recorded?

I think it’s because when we rightly understand both, we rightly understand the gospel. God created a good world, but sin entered in and polluted both humanity and creation. Then, God’s Son entered in to this fallen creation, becoming the second Adam, paying for our redemption on the cross, and offering us the possibility of being a new creation in Him.

Starting this Sunday, I plan to remember what Christ did on each of these days. Since God inspired all four gospel writers to carefully record this week, I plan to meditate every morning on what Jesus did that day.

Will you join me in remembering the week that Christ answered our prayer of “Hosanna” (God save us!)!

Staying on when God opens doors

Hart_door “I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me” (1 Corinthians 16:8-9).

We have been praying for over 19 years that God would open a door for us to reach the city of Wilson for Christ. Through the years our church has met in homes, schools, parks, and even in some church buildings that we rented. We have seen people come to Christ. We have grown little by little. But we have yet to see a movement, a great season of exponential growth.

This has never stopped our praying, “Lord, open a door for us.”

Recently, it has happened. It seems a door is swinging open in Wilson. Have you noticed it?

The door to having a home of our own has been closed for 19 years. We’ve tried and tried, but we’ve remained portable. Suddenly, this past year, God gives us this new home. We’re moving there in three weeks!

On top of that there’s this great sense of spiritual receptivity. Everywhere we turn people are ready to respond to the gospel. Believers are ready to increase their commitment. People are visiting the Wilson County Jail to deliver Bibles. People who never trusted God to tithe, are starting to give. New small groups have been started. People are reading through the Bible. Ministry and mission are on our members hearts like never before.

Where in the past we encountered closed doors and hearts, these days it seems everywhere we turn, the door is swinging open!

Now, the question is how do we respond? I don’t want to take this time for granted. With opening doors comes greater and greater need for those who will walk through them. There is work to be done while the sun is shining because the night may return when no one can work. Open doors don’t stay open.

So, let’s rally ourselves and pray for more workers. Let’s walk through the doors that God is opening. Where are some of these doors?

  • Saturday, April 9th, 10 AM – Food Drive “Hanging the Bags”
  • Sunday, April 10th – Compassion Sunday “Sponsor a Child”
  • Saturday, April 16th, 10 AM – Food Drive “Picking up the Bags”
  • Saturday, April 23rd, 11 AM – Easter EGGstravaganza
  • Sunday, April 24th – Easter Sunday/Baptism/Last day at CCS
  • Saturday, April 30th, 10 AM – Parade/Ribbon-cutting Ceremony
  • Sunday, May 1st – First Sunday at 2301 Montgomery Drive!

Some would say that we’ve put too much on our calendars, but to me, it seems like 19 years of perseverance and prayer are all coming to fruition.

When the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the church at Corinth, he must have felt this way. He had been in many cities where the people rejected the gospel. He’d been beaten, stoned, imprisoned. But in the city of Ephesus people were receptive. There was an open door. He was finding that the work of ministry was suddenly effective. He knew he couldn’t leave and he couldn’t let up. He knew he had to stay “on.”

I don’t know how long this door will stand open, so I’m not letting up, I’m staying “on.” There will be time later to take time “off.”

Let’s stay “on” together while God has opened the door.