Choosing to be uncomfortable

"I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world" (John 16:33 CEV).

"Americans don’t have a good theology of suffering" (Rick McKinley, Pastor at Imago Dei Church, Portland, Oregon).

I recently heard a story about an African pastor who had many of his family members and church members murdered by an angry, Islamic mob. Although he fled the country and spent a season in the States, he later returned to his native land. He went around forgiving everyone and has become a reconciling force in his nation.

While he was in the States he told an American pastor, "I feel sorry for American Christians. They are so rich in things, yet so poor in the things of God."

I think he is right in his appraisal. We are so concerned about our comfort and convenience. We spend enough on bottled water to give clean water to the nations of the world who have none. We spend enough on dandruff shampoo to give needed medicines to children dying from dysentery in third world countries. While Christians gather under trees in Africa and meet secretly in Chinese homes, we complain about the air conditioning in our million dollar sanctuaries.

But the truth is that God cares more for our character than our comfort. May we be challenged by our international brothers and sisters in Christ who are enduring persecution. May we be challenged by the suffering saints of old. May we be challenged by the Christ who left the riches of heaven and became our sin offering.

May we choose to be uncomfortable so that others may be comforted.

Ever lose that lovin feeling?

Righteous_brothersYet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. (Revelation 2:4)

“Woa…woa…woe.” (The Righteous Brothers)

Sometimes we forget what it was like when we first fell in love. The object of our affection consumes our every thought. Some describe it as being “love sick.”

But Jesus told the church in the city of Ephesus that their sickness was that they had stopped loving as they had at first. He told them that they were doing good work and hanging tough, but there was no love in it. He told them that he was going to remove their lamp of influence as a church if they didn’t return to their first love.

I must admit as a pastor that I sometimes do ministry out of a sense of duty or just being tough and keeping my word. During seasons like that I start feeling a sense of spiritual dryness. Outwardly, I’m doing the good work of pastoring and sharing the gospel. But on the inside a kind of bitterness can sometimes set in. I begin to forget why I’m serving in the Kingdom. I start feeling self righteous on one hand and self pity on the other.

Jesus calls us to love him with priority. He says return to your first love (Greek: protos agape)!

Kingdom work without loving the King is empty.

Long love the King!

I don’t want to see Jesus spit out any WCC disciples

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth!” Revelation 3:15-16.

Cat_2_2 Stephen (that’s the back of his head on the bottom right) and I just got back from attending the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. There were over 11,000 ministry leaders in attendance this year. We heard from Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, Erwin McManus, Francis Chan, John Maxwell, and others. It was a little like drinking from a fire hydrant!

We learned a lot, but I’m pretty much “conferenced” out. I’m ready to be in Wilson and put into practice the stuff I’ve been learning lately. The cool thing is that God has already been telling us what we need to concentrate on. The conferences have merely underscored and sharpened what we already felt.

Francis Chan really sealed it for me when he said, “I don’t want to stand before Jesus some day with a megachurch of thousands of disciples and have him spit them out for being lukewarm. I’d rather have a smaller number of mature disciples that are hot for Jesus!”

I know that God has called me to pastor WCC. He has called me to love the sheep he has entrusted to me, to lead and feed them, and to present them to him mature. I don’t want to get sidetracked on lesser things. I want to lead WCCers to get white hot for Jesus!

My ambition is to stand shoulder to shoulder someday with the WCCers who have run the race with me and to hear Jesus say to us, “Well done.”

This past Sunday is still shining!

Where_does_your_influence_shine_ppt I’m still stoked about our last Sunday service! We talked about how we want to be a people that uses our light of influence to shine on Jesus. So many churches and Christians waste their influence by declaring what they’re against. Or they misuse their influence by discussing peripheral or temporal things. But in the book of Revelation Jesus told the churches that they were like lampstands. And if they didn’t let their light shine where he intended that he would remove their lampstand.

A lot of us complain that the church has lost influence in the culture and we often place the blame on the media or on this generation. But Jesus says that he will remove our influence if we don’t use it the way he planned.

This past Sunday I saw our church family united in worship and in purpose. I heard you say that you want our light to shine on Jesus. And Jesus said that when he is lifted up he will draw all men to himself.

I think something new and wonderful is happening at WCC!  I think Jesus is being lifted up. He’s drawing people to himself.

Can you see the light?

Aloha to Hawaii

It’s hard to leave a place so beautiful and new friendships so meaningful, but we have to say “Aloha” to Hawaii.

Robin and I have had a wonderful experience and we’re returning supercharged for ministry in Wilson, NC! We are looking forward to see what beautiful things God does through us as we put into practice the learnings we’ve gained in Oahu.

Kevin, Julie, Robin, & Me



Perhaps the most meaningful things have been to make friends, . . .



The winning beach volleyball team – “The Five-Os” with Wayne. Can you hear the theme music!




. . . build teams,





. . . and enjoy rainbows.

God paints a beautiful rainbow!

Worship at New Hope Oahu

Worship_at_new_hopeRobin and I attended two of the five services at New Hope over the weekend. Their “Levites” come in on Friday night and set up the whole high school campus for the two Saturday night and three Sunday morning services.

The stage set is so beautiful that it’s hard to believe that they set up and tear down every weekend. They have made themselves indispensible to the public high school. They have installed stage lights, sound, and air conditioning. They have increased the electrical capacity of the building to handle the additional load. They painted and carpeted the auditorium. They have spent hundreds of thousands on a school that they rent.

Why? Because property on Oahu is much too expensive. One 15 acre property they looked at went for Wayne over 60 million. Pastor Wayne says that he would rather use that kind of money to send missionaries and plant more churches.

I agree.

People finding peace in the Pacific

HawbaptSunday was an amazing day! Pastor Wayne Cordeiro invited the visiting pastors to his church conference in Hawaii to join him in baptizing new believers. So, we joined together with the New Hope church family at Ala Moana Park near Waikiki Beach on the island of Oahu as they baptized over 150 candidates.

Their church is so much like WCC (except instead of blue grass and barbeque, they have hula and poo poo). They are 12 years old and meet in rented facilities. They rent office space during the week and a high school for their weekend services. When they do a baptism, they do it in public and afterwards they have a covered dish meal together.

Hawaiibaptism They have five weekend services. Two on Saturday night and three on Sunday morning. Their volunteers come in on Friday night and start setting up for the weekend. Over 10,000 people attend every weekend. It takes 1500 volunteers every weekend to set-up, serve, and tear-down.

Certainly the highlight for me was getting to baptize an Asian family. They found the peace of Christ as they followed Him in obedience.

Peace in the Pacific.

If you’re jet lagged, Hawaii is the place to get over it!

Garywakiki We’re here! Our flight was delayed, but we finally arrived in Honolulu at 3:30 P.M. Hawaii time (which is 9:30 Eastern, we are severly jet-lagged). After a good nights sleep we awoke and had breakfast at a restaurant on Wakiki Beach with Diamond Head in the background. I’m glad we came in a day early so I could get somewhat acclimated before the conference begins tonight.

Robin and I can’t believe we’re here. God is so good. Now, the challenge is to not only get over the jet lag, it’s to choose to relax and live in the present. Not trying to do everything, see everything. Just enjoy the moment as God brings each new day.

Hey, that might be a good way to live anywhere.

Warm drink and an even warmer conversation

Fb0_mugondeskThey said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts feel strangely warm as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32 (NLT)

“How can I hear God speak? When I read the Bible it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.” Said my new friend as we sat sipping our lattes under a starry sky last night.

Leaning forward, I answered, “When you go home tonight, before you open your Bible, say this to God: ‘God will you help me understand what I’m about to read in Your Word.’ Then, read until you feel Him stir your heart.”

“Stir my heart?” My friend interrupted.

“Yes, I can’t describe it better than that. Keep reading until you feel you have been affected by an insight or understanding. Sometimes you only have to read a couple of verses. Sometimes more. But don’t read like you’re studying. Read asking God to illuminate your understanding. Then, when you feel moved, stop reading and say: ‘God, thanks for helping me to understand Your Word. Now, help me to incorporate this understanding into my life.'”

“So, it’s that simple?” He asked.

“It’s that simple. And it’s that hard because you’re going to have to humble yourself to ask God for help.  The Bible is a spiritual book and it requires spiritual insight to understand it.” I answered.

After nearly three hours of warm conversation, our lattes and our evening had run out. But my new friend was still full of questions.

“I feel like I have more questions now than when we first started talking.” He sighed as we both got up to leave.

“Good.” I replied. “I didn’t come here to give you answers. I’m sure I don’t know all the answers to your questions. But I do know how to ask God. That’s what I’m praying for you tonight. That God will speak to you.”

This morning I received an email from my new Starbucks friend. He wrote, “You won’t believe this, I tried what you said last night and started reading the book of Matthew and God spoke to me. I mean, I actually felt a deeper understanding. I can’t wait to get together and talk with you about it!”

I can’t wait either.

Some problems are good

Barton "We’ve got a problem." Said my daughter-in-law, Nicole, as we sat down at the dinner table.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you know how we gave out free water and helped students move in at Barton?" She said.

"Yeah?" I wondered while gesturing her to continue.

"And you know how we had a special event on campus to attract new students and how we included information about our Bible studies for them at registration?" She continued.

"Okay. I know about all that. But I thought we felt all our work was a success." I answered.

"It was a success. But now we don’t know what to do. We had over 60 girls and 15 guys sign up to be in small groups this semester. And we don’t know how we’re going to find leaders and groups for all of them!" Nicole finally blurted out with a big-eyed look on her face.

"Oh, that is a problem." I said. "But, it’s a great problem isn’t it?"

I’m glad that WCC is helping Campus Crusade for Christ do ministry at the Barton College campus. We’re in our second year of helping them. We have three of our own working diligently to offer small groups and a weekly Wednesday night meeting for the students at Barton. Caroline Combs works at Barton and she is the faculty sponsor for CCC. Jonathan and Nicole Combs are working with the students to form a student-led leadership team and reach their campus for Christ. We see many of these wonderful students at our WCC services every Sunday.

Would you join me in praying for CCC at Barton. They have some good problems.