Jonathan starts at Southeastern

100_2781 It’s hard to believe, but my son, Jonathan has started his first semester at Southeastern, the seminary I graduated from only 13 years ago.

This past week I drove over to Wake Forest to attend chapel with Jonathan. He had let me know that a former classmate of mine, Dr. Stephen Rummage, was the guest speaker. So, I went. It was good to see Stephen again, but I was there for Jonathan. As we sat together in Binkley Chapel on the beautiful campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary I reflected on how amazing it was to be there with my son.

Only a few years ago I was a student at SEBTS, dreaming about and preparing for planting a church. Jonathan was only seven years old at the time. I never thought I’d be sitting there beside him, with him as the student and me just his dad.

Sebts We walked around the campus after chapel and I told him story after story of how my experience there had shaped my life. Before we left I saw my old preaching professor, Dr. Wayne McDill, walking by. So, I stopped him and introduced him to Jonathan. Stephen Rummage was standing there with us.

I said, “Dr. McDill, don’t you think Stephen did a great job in chapel this morning?”

Dr. McDill replied with a raised eyebrow, “He did okay.”

Stephen offered a nervous laugh.

Dr. McDill continued, “Of course, since he’s one of mine I have very high expectations.”

As Jonathan and I walked away, it was a rare moment… both father and son intimidated by an older man’s opinion. I told Jonathan that it would be wonderful if he could take preaching from Dr. McDill. It’s good for a man to be sharpened by an older man who doesn’t mind being a sharpener.

I said, “Dr. McDill is tough, but I’d love for you to be trained by one of the best exegetical expositors and teachers I ever had.”

“Besides,” I continued, “You’re one of mine and I have very high expectations.

The future is so bright I have to wear…

Garyshades …shades!

It’s September 1st and we just had the coolest evening that Wilson has seen in a while. We even had dinner outside on the deck. And except for the occasional mosquito bite (life’s never perfect) it was a great evening. After a very hot summer (105 degrees!!!) it looks like things are finally cooling down.

That’s the thing about seasons. They always have a beginning and an ending. I think our church (and my family) has been through a challenging season. But I sense it ending and a new season arriving.

I believe a new breeze is blowing. I don’t see its effects yet, but there’s a subtle change in the spiritual climate at WCC. I think people are about to start really committing their lives to following Christ. I think they’re going to stop holding back and really start giving their very best to Him.

So, we’re gearing up for a new season of exciting growth and change at WCC. Robin is cutting back her work at the vet to two days a week, so that she can help us organize some ministry teams to help with things such as: entering computer data, follow-up on Connection Cards, helping with mailouts of birthday and anniversary cards, folding and stuffing the bulletin and many more important administrative tasks.

I’ve asked Sonny Allen to help build a new F.I.T. (First Impressions Team) team. We’re writing a new training manual and plan to have a training in a couple of Sundays. We really need to sharpen our look for the new guests that will be arriving this Fall.

Stephen is putting away his life guard’s whistle and returning to full time focus. He has already built a new leadership team for the WCC Student Ministry and has great plans for expanding our WCC worship ministry. He is also teaching percussion lessons at Pro Music in downtown Wilson, which I think gives him a great opportunity to invest in our community.

Evelyn Jenkins has been working on new ideas for the Great Adventure. We’ve submitted her requests for more space to the CCS administrator and await his reply. We’re so blessed to have someone like Evelyn who really wants our children’s ministry to excel.

We’re looking for small group facilitators to help lead some new Community Groups in the Fall. We’re going to offer a training in September, so if you know someone who has a passion here, let us know.

We’ve just had our second CLASS 101 this summer. Usually churches go backwards in the summer, but ours is growing. I’ll be introducing our new members at our next Sunday service.

We’re bringing back MidWeek this September 12th. We’re going to try one in September and one the second week of October. We really want to emphasize worship, prayer, and teaching at these events. We’re committing to monthly for now until we see how well it meets needs. We don’t want to do things just because they’ve always been done. We want what we do to really count.

I see a bright future. New things. New people. A new season.

Do you see it? Here, try my shades. Do you see what I see?

Preaching the Real Jesus

The_seven_signs_bulletin_2 Wow! I’ve really enjoyed preparing and speaking about the seven miraculous signs of Jesus that the apostle John recorded in his gospel. Our Sunday school image of Jesus always gets challenged by a fresh reading and study of Him in the gospels. He always seems so much more dangerous and controversial when we just read the text without watering it down as a “Bible story.”

Something else I’ve noticed these past seven Sundays is how much more effective the gospel is at penetrating human hearts when we don’t try to oversimplify it or explain away the difficult parts. One attender indicated that it was the understanding from the sign where Jesus walked on the water that really moved him.

The attender wrote, “That Jesus would send his disciples into a storm and then wait until the 4th watch to go out to them really spoke to me. I think this is a better explanation of reality than the stuff of Christianity lite usually being preached. This kind of faith isn’t so self serving and syrupy. It requires more of me and I think now I must respond.”

Several people have come to faith in Jesus during this series. Some of them self admitted atheists and agnostics. Others have found their faith challenged.

That’s what the real Jesus does. He challenges our view of reality. He makes us choose.

I’m thankful that many chose to follow Him in these last seven weeks!

Thanks for the great evening C3!

Dino It’s great having ministry friends!

And Pastor Matt Fry, lead pastor at Cleveland Community Church (C3), is one of our friends. Last night he and his wife Martha, invited me and a small groups of lead pastors to a private dinner with the main speaker, Pastor Dino Rizzo, before their annual C3 Leadership Conference.

Pastor Dino is the lead pastor at Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His church was recently recognized by President Bush for its work among the hurricane Katrina victims. They have a great ministry built on serving others in their community. They have a huge ministry, but listening to Pastor Dino talk, they sound a lot like WCC in many ways.

Thanks Matt and C3 for the dinner and the great leadership conference! And thanks Dino for the great teaching!

Link to C3 Church

Link to Healing Place Church

I’ve always wanted to take Robin to Hawaii…

… But it always seemed too expensive on a church planter’s salary.

But guess what? Robin and I are going to Hawaii in September!!! Oahu102

God really takes care of us when we put Him first. Sometimes, He even provides the dreams that we don’t consider all that important when we just stay focused on doing His work first. I think that’s what happened this time.

This blessing really started a little over two years ago when I was nominated to be part of a program for senior pastors called SPE – Sustaining Pastoral Excellence. This is a three year program funded by a Lilly endowment grant to the Lake Hickory Learning Communities that is designed to take senior pastors who have demonstated excellence in ministry to higher levels of excellence. As a part of this opportunity I received a mini-grant that could be used for personal learning. I’ve used this grant to attend several great learning experiences.  And this September I’m using the last of the mini-grant to attend a Leadership Practicum with Pastor Wayne Cordeiro.

Wayne_cordeiroDr. Wayne Cordeiro is Senior Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship O’ahu, a Foursquare church in Honolulu, Hawaii. New Hope began on September 10, 1995 and is one of the fastest growing churches in the nation. Over the last 12 years there have been 31,000 who have received Christ for the first time and the church has grown to over 12,000 weekend attendees. Eighty-three churches have been pioneered under New Hope’s church-planting ministry outreach.

Outreach magazine has listed New Hope O’ahu as one of the top most 25 influential churches in America and one of the top ten most innovative.

I’ve been accepted to attend Pastor Wayne’s week long leadership practicum on Team Building. This is a unique opportunity because Pastor Wayne only invites a few senior pastors each year and he uses a “shadowing” approach to teaching, where the conference attendees follow him on all of his regular duties.Canoe1_3

Apparently, this includes being on the beach every morning at 6:00 A.M. for exercise and team  building activities. I even had to sign a health waiver and verify that I was a good swimmer before  being accepted. Pastor Wayne likes to use paddling outrigger canoes to develop team spirit.

Can you hear the “Hawaii Five 0” music playing in the background?

Link to SPE

Link to Pastor Wayne’s Church

On Tent Making and Puppies?

6a00d83524c19a69e200e54f3891c48834-800wiI’m not exactly sure how we got into being hobby breeders of collies (OK, I sort of know, but it’s a really long story). We were just trying to do what the apostle Paul did as a church planter. You know, he was a tent maker, so he made tents to keep the resources flowing while he worked on the main thing– planting churches.

This summer Robin and I have been doing just that. We’ve been tent makers. Robin has been the real champ. Robwsoph She took the summer off from being our church office administrator and took a full time job at a local veterinary hospital. She’s been working from 7 AM to 7 PM at the vet most days. Plus, she took a passion she has for animals, specifically collies, and turned it into a business. We did this to free up the church from paying her this summer because the giving has been tight of late.

I have also done a lot of side work this summer. I have done this because the church has not been able to pay me for nearly 22 weeks. But we do all of these things so that we can do the thing we feel passionately called to.

I pray that God honors us in this. Our real passion is for leading a Great Commission church that impacts our city and our world for Jesus.

You know what? I’m not worried. Our church is growing in attendance. People are coming to Christ. Young families are finding help and purpose. We are supporting and sending missionaries to foreign lands.

Our people will learn/are learning to live lives of hilarious generosity. Our needs will be met through the riches we have in Christ Jesus.

In the meantime, know anyone who needs a puppy?

Link to

Vacation at Smith Mountain Lake… Combs Style!

6a00d83524c19a69e200e54f387f3a8834-800wiEver feel like you need to take a break after you get back from vacation? That’s pretty much true for any Combs family vacation. We seem to have a real problem dialing it down a notch.

But I guess that’s just our nature. We love adventure, excitement and risk. So, if we take a vacation together, you can bet that it’ll be crammed full of all three!

This year we took the whole family (which is getting bigger every year) to Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. We used to live there over 20 years ago. We like going back there because it’s one of the premier lakes in the South. It has over 526 miles of shoreline, unbelievable Blue Ridge Mountain vistas, and tons of opportunities for boating, waterskiing, tubing, knee boarding, cliff diving, hiking, and anything else you can think of (and we can think of a lot).


Of course, when we go tubing it’s not exciting enough by itself. We had to invent… Battle Tubing!!


Even the Combs girls (Caroline and Nicole) caught the bug! But they didn’t want to take it too far. Notice the smiles. You can’t really be serious about battle tubing and smile at the same time!












The day never ended for some… card games continued into the night (Abbott gets inducted into the non-stop activity of the Combs Clan).




Everything was a blast, but one of my favorites was just standing on an island with Robin and looking across the lake under a full moon.

Now, that was a great vacation!

Hey! I’ve been published.

ChurchbusinessCheck it out! An article I submitted to Church Business Magazine was published in their June 2007 edition.

They recently asked me to serve on their advisory board because of my background in church work as well as business. They were asking for ideas on future articles from the board, so I submitted a couple. They liked my ideas so much that they asked me to write a proposal.

This is really cool because although I’ve written several articles for the Wilson Daily Times, this is the first time I’ve been published professionally.  I had to sign a contract and everything. It’s a small article, but it has been one of my goals to expand my writing efforts. I’m really thankful for this opportunity. Of course, I’m always happier having written than I am in the actual writing.

If you’d like to read my article, just send me an email requesting it. I’ll send you a link that will allow you access. It’s on page 34. It’s entitled: The “Dos” & “Don’ts” of Good Email Communication.

On Becoming a Father

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5 NIV).

A crazy kind of math has been at work in me.

I am becoming a man who is less and less what he was and perhaps, more and more what he will be. The subtractions of life have hopefully allowed for the additions of the Spirit.

The most profound loss of my life was when my father died of cancer when I was eight years old. He was only 39. This loss resulted in an increased awareness of God as my Father. How often I cried out to Him as a child saying, “Father, I’m hurting. I’m lonely. Help me!”

I don’t want to sound too mystical, but I’ve had some real experiences with God. I remember some nights in the months and years following my father’s death where I felt God’s fatherly touch. I don’t know what else to call it. I’d be laying there on my pillow, crying out to Him and He would come to me and comfort me.

Believe what you want. I have felt God’s fatherly embrace.

But when the sun would come up I would still hunger for a father. And God made provision for me there too.

I remember praying that God would let Mr. Black be my fifth grade teacher. The school I attended had three teachers for each grade. During summer break you would receive your teacher assignment in the mail. All the other teachers were women. In fact, Mr. Black was the only male teacher in the first five grades at High Point Elementary School.

That summer I opened the teacher assignment letter with trembling hands, “Yeah!” I screamed. “I’m in Mr. Black’s class!”

Mr. Black was cool. He drove a Corvette. He played quarterback for both teams at recess. He threw the ball so hard it hurt to catch it. He clunked all the boys on the head with his class ring when he walked past you in the hall (This was an honor).

He called you by your last name, unless you were a girl. “Hey Combs! You and Church get up here!” he’d yell. Me and David Church (remember alphabetical seating?) used to have trouble being quiet in class.

I loved being in Mr. Black’s fifth grade class.

God gave me many father figures. He gave me “Papa,” my mother’s father, who taught me to work hard and laugh loud at the same time. He gave me Uncle Basil who taught me to shoot a gun, cast a line, and drive a straight. He gave me a coach in little league named, “Tony” who taught me not to close my eyes when they hit you a grounder. He gave me a boss in the corporate world named “Mike” who challenged me to be a leader and didn’t cut me any slack. All of these men made fatherly marks on me.

As I grew older the father hunger started changing. It started becoming a passion for being a father. More and more, I saw myself as a father. And I love it. I love being a father!

This father identity seems to be the life-thread that runs from my past and pulls me into my future. As I think about my future story, I find myself organizing my future around my primary identity as a father figure and the relationships that emerge out of that identity.

These seven relationships are as follows: 1) Jesus, 2) Self, 3) Family, 4) Small Group, 5) My Local Church,  6) The City Church, and 7) The Global Church .

Years from now I dream of being a man who …

… has grown in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. I want to practice the presence of Jesus in my life so fully that I notice when Christ gently nudges me or when He is not satisfied with my ways. I want to know what it means to walk in the Spirit without giving in to the flesh. I would like to overhear my older self talking to Jesus with such intimacy and joy that I would know that he is being led by the Father.

… has grown in self knowledge and discipline. I want to practice the spiritual disciplines so that I yield the Spirit’s fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This older self is quick to receive forgiveness so that he doesn’t wallow in self-defeat. He doesn’t compare himself to others. He strives to be the very tool that God has shaped. He is satisfied to be who God has called him to be.

… has become a wonderful, godly grandfather. If I could see my older self with my family, I see a house in the country near a lake with a grandfather taking his grandchildren out boating or one riding between his legs on the riding mower. This older father would be a mentor and encourager to his children and their spouses. He would intentionally spend time with each grandchild to instill his love and faith into each one. I can see him now, camping under the stars, teaching his grandchildren about God and nature.

… meets weekly with a small group of believers in a home. This older man will not have grown lax in his commitment to live out the call to meet from “house to house” and in the “temple courts.” He will express his spiritual gifts in a setting that becomes the real church for him. People will love to be with him in a small group because of the way he loves and encourages them. He will mentor others to lead small groups of the same caliber that devote themselves to the apostle’s teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.

… has firmly planted a world-class local church called Wilson Community Church and continues to pastor it with godly wisdom, passionate zeal, and spiritual power. This future self will have built a firm foundation on Christ and on the apostle’s teaching so that a body of believers will exist that grow to maturity in Christ. This older man will be near his peak now. He will lead a diverse staff and lay team of great and gifted leaders who have been with him for many years. He will speak and write with experience and authority on what God has taught him in the process of planting a church. He will continue to burn for fathering/planting new churches.

… has led the city of Wilson, North Carolina into spiritual renewal by uniting local churches into a “city church” vision. This older self will walk the streets of downtown Wilson or of the local mall and stop for conversation with people from every church and walk of life. He will be known as a city pastor. Not everyone will attend his church, but everyone will know that he loves them and he loves the city. He will help other churches to grow, he will lead prayer summits and prayer walks with other churches. He will cooperate with the city government and serve them. He will write in the local news paper and mentor other local pastors.

… has become an elder pastor, mentor, and coach to church planters and missionaries in North Carolina, the U.S. and the world. This older self would grow in his involvement with groups like the Innovative Church Community where he would be a coach and mentor to many church pastors and leaders. He would often travel to speak or encourage people on the field who are planting churches or working in missions. He would have a global vision for reaching the world. He would see people from Wilson Community Church answer the call to plant churches and start missions around the world. He would stay in contact with them as a mentor and friend.

I see my future story extending like a thread from my earliest hunger for a father to my greatest fulfillment as a father. A father leads. A father protects. A father creates– plants new things. A father loves. A father mentors. A father coaches. A father releases. A father lays down his life for others. I want to comfort others with the comfort I’ve received from the Father of all comfort.

A father is what I’m becoming.

On Being Human

Psalm 8:4 (NIV) What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

This past week my cell phone kept ringing with the caller ID “Name Unknown 777-777-7777.”

I didn’t answer it the first few times. All of those sevens were kind of disconcerting. At first I thought it might be a telemarketer, but laughed to myself thinking that in that case a phone number with all sixes would have been more appropriate. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. Besides, a caller with an all sevens number might be somehow… heavenly.

It wasn’t. It was my brother, Donnie, calling from Iraq. And according to him, it’s as hot there as… well, not heaven.

Donnie is in Iraq as a police trainer. He is perfect for the job. He has always had a quick judgment, a fearless demeanor, and a compassionate heart. I remember when he first started as a rookie officer in Virginia, where he was assigned to an area known as “the projects.” I rode a shift with him there. I noticed that he knew everyone’s name and waved at most of them as we drove by. His words were quick and staccato as he gave a running commentary on nearly everyone we passed.

“That guy is trouble.” He’d say. “I’ve had to put him away a few times.” He’d continue as he smiled, waved, and called out the guy’s name. Strangely, most everyone waved back.

“So, why do you seem like friends?” I asked.

“Oh, they know me. They know I mean business, but they also know I’m fair. I’m as much a part of their lives as anyone here. I mean, I’m out here everyday either on foot, pedaling a bike, or cruising in the squad car. I’ve locked half of them up and the other half I’ve been there to help them through a domestic squabble or some other trouble. I’m part of their neighborhood.”

Now, over fifteen years later, my brother is calling from a different neighborhood. According to him, that’s the best way to understand it. By “it” I mean what’s going on in Iraq.

“The problem neighborhoods here are not that different than what we have in America.” He explained. “It’s a matter of perspective. When we have an organized element working against the law and trying to build its own power base in America we call them “gang members.” When we encounter an organized group trying to take over a neighborhood here we call them “insurgents.”

“So, what do we do?” I asked.

“Well, I’m no politician, but I think we need to get the Iraqi police up and running in full mode over here. I don’t think this is a military problem anymore. What we need is some good, old-fashioned, neighborhood policemen walking their beats. But it’s going to be hard, real hard.”

“Why’s that? Is it because the Iraqi people are not open to democracy? Are they so different from us that they can’t be citizens of a free society?”

“I don’t know about all that. I was thinking it would be hard because of their past. Because Saddam used the police to carry out his evil agenda, the people don’t trust them. And because the police have been corrupted by this past, they are often only looking to use their power for themselves.” “Do you mean you can’t trust the police?” I asked. “Not a lot of the older ones. Just the other day I came upon some Iraqi police that were stealing from a home. They were brazenly carrying out someone else’s possessions. When I asked them what they were doing, they just starred at me. I told them to put it back because we’re supposed to be the good guys. I really preached them a sermon. ‘It’s no wonder these people don’t trust you!’ I yelled. ‘You act like Ali Baba!’” (As in “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)

“Plus, the police here have not been trained to be proactive, just reactive. Every time we roll up to a police station we find a hundred officers just sitting around waiting. The only time you see them out in the streets is after something bad has already happened. They need to get out among the people. They need to be a visible deterrent. They need to be out there making friends with the good guys in the neighborhoods.”

“Is there any hope Bro? I mean, are you training any guys that are going to make good police officers?”

“Yeah, there’s this one guy. He’s twenty-two years old and he’s gonna be good, real good. He and I often walk the streets together. He’s learning to look and listen. He often offers me commentary on the people in his broken English. “‘That good guy.’ He says, indicating a shopkeeper. ‘That guy’ he says, pointing his finger, ‘Ali Baba.’”

“You’re liking this young recruit aren’t you?” I asked.

“He’s a good kid. He’s the one who helped me communicate with a little boy I saw on the streets the other day. I saw this little fellow about the size of my youngest son, so I waved and offered him a Kit Kat chocolate bar. I could tell he wanted it, but he was afraid of me. It broke my heart. You know how homesick I am for my two boys. My young trainee understood. He went and got the little boy and put him in my arms. I gave him the whole package of chocolate.”

“It breaks my heart to see so many kids on the streets, already learning to be street savvy, already learning to be part of the problem. It’s gonna be hard to change things over here. Real hard.”

After I talked to Donnie on my cell, I sat in my office and thought about the people of Iraq. I thought about the corrupt police and the sharp trainee that shows potential. I thought about the good shop owner and the little boy that walked away with Donnie’s whole package of chocolate. I thought about Donnie’s assessment of how hard it will be to change things.

It’s easy to hate insurgents and terrorists, but it’s hard to hate a little boy who loves chocolate. Hearing Donnie’s stories has put a human face on a very inhuman situation for me.

The Psalmist wondered how God could be “mindful” of man. How could God possibly “care?” From God’s perspective we must seem like insurgents and terrorists, constantly trying to overthrow His Kingdom. We’re like gang bangers, defacing His creation with our graffiti.

Humanity was created to bear God’s image. But mankind has lost its humanity. Why should God even leave his office to trouble Himself in our neighborhood? Why not just let us destroy ourselves and come in later to clean up the mess?

Instead He who made us, became human Himself. He walked the dusty streets of our human neighborhood. He took our brokenness, our sin, our death upon Himself. He did this to restore us. He did this to mend us and make us His image bearers in the world.

When we consider Jesus, we see what true humanity was meant to be. When we follow Jesus, we find our hearts changed from stone to flesh. Only Jesus can change human hearts.

And that’s the only thing that will change any of our neighborhoods.