November 6, 2022 |
Romans 15:14-33 |
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There’s not a lot of good news today. We have to remember that the news business is just that… a business. And bad news sells. Violence sells. Sex sells. If it bleeds, it leads. But aren’t you sick and tired of all the bad news? As followers of Jesus, we’re the ambassadors of the good news. But what does it look like to see ourselves as the people who proclaim the good news, the gospel of Jesus?
In Romans 15:14-33, the apostle Paul described how God had called him to the gospel ministry and invited the believers in Rome to join together with him in the gospel ministry. We are called to join together in the ministry of the gospel.
October 30, 2022 |
Romans 15:1-13 |
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We need unity in the church today. For there is certainly little unity in our country or world. We live in one of the most divisive and divided days in our nation in my life time. Yet, the church is supposed to be different. One of the key marks of the church is supposed to be our unity, our harmony.
In Romans 15, the apostle Paul prayed that God would grant the believers in Rome to live in harmony with one another in Christ Jesus to the glory of God. We can live in harmony with one another in Christ Jesus.
October 23, 2022 |
Romans 14:13-23 |
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Judgment condemns, but discernment seeks to understand and point the person to Jesus. The motive in judging is self-righteousness and a sense of superiority, often accompanied by anger. But the motive for discernment is humility and love.
In Romans chapter 14:13-23, the apostle Paul told the believers in Rome that as a result of having their minds “transformed” (Rom. 12:2) by faith in Jesus Christ, they were now able to consider one another with spiritual discernment rather than judgment. As believers in Jesus, we can consider one another with discernment rather than judgment.
October 16, 2022 |
Romans 14:1-12 |
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What are you looking for in a church? Do you want to be part of a church that looks like you, talks like you, thinks like you? Same color and race, same political party, same favorite basketball team and BBQ style? Or are you willing to welcome and receive others who have different personalities and preferences, but want to love and follow Jesus? God calls us to unity, but not uniformity. And in order to be a welcoming church, we must know the difference.
In Romans chapter 14, the apostle Paul told the believers in Rome, who came from both Jewish and Gentile backgrounds, that God had called them to be a welcoming church, not a judgmental and quarreling church.
October 9, 2022 |
Romans 13:8-14 |
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What is your mental operating system? What kind of gravity tugs and pulls at your thinking? Do you struggle with anger, with depression, with a poor self-image, with unforgiveness, with temptation, with addiction, with hatred…? What controls your thoughts and attitudes and therefore your actions? Is it love?
In Romans chapter 13, the apostle Paul instructed the believers in Rome that they were to let God’s law of love govern their attitudes and actions. As believers, we are to let God’s law of love govern our attitudes and actions.
October 2, 2022 |
Romans 13:1-7 |
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In this passage, Paul describes how Christians should relate to their government. In other words, how those whose citizenship is in heaven are to relate to their worldly government. And the instruction he gives from the Lord is this: we are to submit to the governing authorities.
With all the political division in our country and with the approaching midterms in November, don’t you want to know what God’s Word says about how we as believers are to relate to our government? In Romans chapter 13, the apostle Paul instructed the believers in Rome that God wanted them to live in subjection to the governing authorities. As Christians, God calls us to live in subjection to the governing authorities.
September 25, 2022 |
Acts 2:42-47 |
small groups
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God wants you in His family photo, taped to His fridge, hanging over His mantle, tucked away in His wallet. God wants you to be connected to His family! But our sin has separated us from Him and causes us to isolate ourselves from Him and from one another.
God doesn’t want us to be alone. We were made to love God and one another. We were made to be connected to God and His family! In the book of Acts, Luke recorded how the first century church was devoted to being connected as God’s family. We can be devoted to being connected as God’s family.
August 28, 2022 |
1 John 1:3-2:2 |
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What’s your response when you sin? Do you make excuses and say, “Everybody’s doing it”? Or do you struggle with guilt and shame, feeling distant from God? And what do you do about repetitive sin areas? You know those sins that you’ve confessed to God, but you still struggle to overcome? So now you’re either discouraged or you’ve given up and started doubting your faith? And what about when you sin against a family member or friend? In other words, you’ve offended them in some way. How do you handle that? Do know how to reconcile with them, giving and receiving forgiveness so that fellowship is restored. So that you feel accepted again?
This is what we’re considering today from the apostle John. How to experience God’s acceptance. In the apostle John’s first epistle, he taught believers how to experience God’s forgiveness and acceptance. We can learn to experience God’s forgiveness and acceptance.
August 21, 2022 |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
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What’s your level of confidence that you have been forgiven of your sins and born again as a new creation in Christ Jesus? “I hope so?” Or “I’ve tried to live a good life, so I hope so?”
But wouldn’t you like to change “I hope so” to “I know so”? Is that possible? Yes, according to God’s Word, you can be assured, you can be confident that you belong to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus. In the book of Hebrews, believers were told that they could have confidence that they belonged to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus. We can be confident that we belong to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus.
August 14, 2022 |
Ephesians 6:1-4 |
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Parents today are worried. They’re worried about their child’s health: obesity, drug abuse, bullying, internet safety, teen pregnancy, gender dysphoria, depression, teen suicide… They’re worried about their education: public, private or home school? College? So, a lot of parenting today is worry-driven, or fear driven. Parents today feel overwhelmed and underprepared. Either because they came from a dysfunctional family themselves or because they have no foundational biblical understanding, they feel lost in their role. So, many are just winging it.
In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he told them how to parent their children in the Lord. We can follow God’s Word for parenting our children in the Lord.