Righteousness Revealed: An Exposition of Romans

As we go verse by verse through the book of Romans, we learn how God wants to make us right with Himself and each other.

Surrendering to God’s Lordship

October 6, 2019 | Romans 6:15-23 | exposition

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In Romans 6:1-14, he charged us to remember “who we are.” We are “in Christ.” Now, in Romans 6:15-23, he will challenge us to remember “whose we are.”

In Romans 6:15-23, the apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome that they must choose who would be their master, would they continue under sin’s authority or would they surrender themselves completely to God’s lordship through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We can surrender ourselves completely to God’s lordship through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Responding to God’s Sanctification

September 29, 2019 | Romans 6:1-14 | exposition

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For the first 5 chapters of Romans, Paul has worked this gospel message out for us, showing how: (1) We are all sinners in need of salvation (Rom. 1:18-3:20), and (2) The only way to be saved is to receive God’s justification by faith in Christ apart from works (Rom. 3:21-5:21). Now, we turn to Romans 6, where Paul will move from the theme of the salvation of the sinner, to explaining the sanctification of the saint.

In Romans 6:1-14, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome that having died to sin with Christ, they were set free to respond to God’s sanctification through faith in Christ. As believers, we can respond to God’s sanctification through faith in Christ.

Reigning in God’s Grace

September 22, 2019 | Romans 5:12-21 | exposition, grace

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There is a great battle raging for our allegiance. Will you be ruled by guilt or grace? This battle began in the Garden of Eden. Guilt is both a status and a feeling. Adam felt and behaved guilty because he was guilty. He had broken God’s law. His guilt made him feel ashamed. We are guilty of breaking God’s law too. And guilty people feel shame. Shame can move us to repent and turn to God, but often we are reluctant to repent. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome that they no longer had to be ruled by guilt, but could reign in the grace of God received through faith in Christ.

Rejoicing in God’s Justification

September 15, 2019 | Romans 5:1-11 | exposition

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Wouldn’t you like to experience peace, hope, joy, love, and reconciliation in your life? Many of us search far and wide just to find one them.

Is your life full of anxiety and care? Do you need peace? When you think about the future, are you filled with hope or despair? Do you need some hope? How about love and reconciliation? Is your life filled with broken relationships? Wouldn’t you like some help restoring them? In the book of Romans chapter 5, Paul wrote to the believers in Rome that they should rejoice in their justification by faith in Jesus Christ. We can rejoice in our justification by faith in Jesus.

House to House

One of the marks of the early church was a rhythm they developed. We see it in Acts 5:42: “And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.” That’s the mark of the early church that we want to focus on: their commitment to Christ and to one another; and the weekly rhythm of how they met together to express that commitment in large groups and in small groups “house to house.”

Growing Up Together

August 25, 2019 | Ephesians 4:11-16 | community groups, spiritual growth

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Who do you have to depend on when trouble comes your way? Do you have a faith family to do life with? One that not only supports you, but actually builds you up and helps you to grow?

The truth is we need one another in order to grow up spiritually. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he taught that the Lord had given the church everything needed to grow up together as the body of Christ. We too have been given everything we need to grow up together as the body of Christ.

Doing Life Together

August 18, 2019 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, community groups, fellowship

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The truth is we need God and we need one another. We are created for relationship. That’s why Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27). We were made to love God and one another. We were made to do life together!

In the book of Acts, Luke recorded how the first century church was devoted to doing life together as the body of Christ. We can be devoted to doing life together as the body of Christ.

Family Life

We all want what's best for our families, but have we considered how much God cares about our families? In this series, we will learn God's plan and purpose for the family, for parenting, and for marriage.

PARENTING: Bringing up children in the Lord

August 11, 2019 | Ephesians 6:1-4 | parenting

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Parents today are worried. They’re worried about their child’s health: obesity, drug abuse, bullying, internet safety, stress, teen pregnancy, depression, and teen suicide. They’re worried about their education: public, private or home school? College? So, a lot of parenting today is worry-driven, or fear driven. Parents today feel overwhelmed and underprepared. Either because they came from a dysfunctional family themselves or because they have no foundational biblical understanding, they feel lost in their role. So, many are just winging it.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he told them how to bring their children up in the Lord. We can follow God’s Word in bringing up our children in the Lord.

MARRIAGE: Following God’s Design

August 4, 2019 | Ephesians 5:22-33 | marriage

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Who we put in charge of building our “house” can determine its success or failure. Today, we want to discuss how making God the Builder means following God’s design for our marriage. Are there areas in your marriage that need a tune-up? Or maybe even a restart? The truth is we all need help with our marriage. And the best help is found in the Lord. For God has a design for marriage.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he gave instructions on how to follow God’s design for being the family of God. Among these, are his instructions on how to follow God’s design for marriage.

FAMILY: Trusting God as Its Builder

July 28, 2019 | Genesis 2:18-25 | family

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The family was originally God’s idea. He created us and ordained the first family. And He offers to be the Builder of our families when we make Him Lord. Who is the “builder” of your family? What activities are given top priority for your family? How is your family doing? How is your marriage? Your parenting? Your teens? Have you made God its Builder?

In the book of Genesis, Moses wrote that God was the builder of the very first family, creating Adam and Eve and establishing them as the parents of all the living. We can trust God as the builder of our families.

Who's Your One?

Imagine if every believer could answer that question with the name of a person who is far from God – a person for whom they’re praying and with whom seeking to share the gospel. That’s the intention behind Who’s Your One. We believe God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism – what they need is a white-hot passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ.

Proclaim God’s Story

July 21, 2019 | John 4:1-42 | evangelism

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We might summarize God’s plan for witnessing in four words: Pray, Presence, Power, Proclaim. God’s plan is that we are to pray, look for God’s presence, depend on God’s power, and proclaim God’s gospel. Today, we want to focus on the 4th and final step, Proclaim God’s Story, because there is no witness without words!

In the gospel according to John, Jesus revealed himself as the Messiah to a Samaritan woman drawing water at Jacob’s well outside the city of Sychar. After her encounter with Jesus, she immediately went back to her hometown to proclaim the story to everyone. We can proclaim the story of how we met Jesus.