Who's Your One?

Imagine if every believer could answer that question with the name of a person who is far from God – a person for whom they’re praying and with whom seeking to share the gospel. That’s the intention behind Who’s Your One. We believe God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism – what they need is a white-hot passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ.

Following God’s Plan

June 23, 2019 | Acts 4:23-31 | evangelism, prayer

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Surely we, both as individuals and as a church, must take Christ’s commission to take the Good News to the nations seriously, and we do. But sometimes focusing on the many can cause us to overlook the importance of going after the one! Yet, God never overlooks the one.

Luke the physician wrote Acts as a historical record of the early church. This first century church was marked by God’s presence and power in such a vital way that they literally turned the world upside down for Christ. What was their secret? They followed God’s plan. In Luke’s book of Acts, he recorded how the early church followed God’s plan to be His witnesses.

Got Questions?

Do you have questions about God? That’s normal. Even the followers of Jesus were full of questions that first Easter. Yet, they experienced reasons to believe. During this series, we’re going to tackle some of the tough questions of faith.

Why Only?

May 19, 2019 | John 14:6 | jesus

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What do you believe? Is Jesus the only way to God or not? How do we answer this question? Perhaps the best way is to look at what Jesus claims for Himself. What does Jesus say? In the gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples that they could only be made right with God by placing their trust in Him. We can understand why we can only be made right with God by placing our trust in Jesus.

Why Suffering?

May 12, 2019 | Romans 8:18-39 | suffering

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For most who pose the question of why God allows suffering, it is neither a philosophical, nor a theological one. For most, it is a personal question. What’s your story today? How are you dealing with the problem of suffering and evil in our world?

God inspired the apostle Paul to consider the problem of suffering and to write to encourage the believers in Rome. He revealed that there’s definitely more to the story! In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he explained why there is suffering in God’s creation, encouraging them to compare it against the weight of God’s glory that awaits those who believe. We can understand why there is suffering in God’s creation, knowing that a greater glory awaits those of us who believe.

Why Science?

May 5, 2019 | Colossians 1:15-20 | science

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Paul knew that faith and knowledge are not mutually exclusive, but indeed, they are mutually beneficial. An examined faith, where doubts are addressed and facts considered, is better than a faith that is held blindly. Paul’s purpose for writing the new believers in the city of Colossae was to help them add a growing knowledge of Christ to the faith they had already expressed by trusting in Him.

He wrote to encourage them to grow in their knowledge of Christ as the supreme explanation for all things, so that their faith in Him might also increase. We can grow in our knowledge of Christ as the supreme explanation for all things, so that our faith is increased.

Why Jesus?

April 21, 2019 | Luke 24:1-12, 36-43 | easter, resurrection

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How can we tell what’s true? What’s real? Should we just deny our doubts and take a blind leap of faith?

In the gospel according to Luke, he wrote an orderly account of Jesus’ resurrection, so that his readers might be certain of the truth that He is the Messiah, the Son of God. We can be certain that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.

Palm Sunday

On this day, we remember the day of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the first day of Passion Week, so named because it was the week that ended with Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. Passion Week began with Christ’s triumphal entry on Sunday and ended with His terrible exit on Friday.

Recognizing Christ’s Visitation

April 14, 2019 | Luke 19:28-44 | palm Sunday

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When Jesus visited Jerusalem on that day, it was the first day of Passover Week. Great numbers of Jews had traveled from all over the Roman Empire to celebrate this annual Jewish festival. A great crowd greeted Jesus as he entered Jerusalem responding to him with chanting, throwing their cloaks on the ground before him and waving of palm branches. They greeted him in a manner befitting a king, but before the week was out, the crowd would curse him as a criminal.
Jesus called his visit to Jerusalem that day a “visitation.” In the Greek, it has the sense of a formal visit or inspection by a dignitary. In English, the word “visitation” has the same meaning. On Palm Sunday we remember the visitation of the Son of God to Jerusalem.

In the gospel according to Luke, Jesus expressed His desire that the people of Jerusalem would have recognized His visitation to them as the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God. We can recognize Christ’s visitation to us.

Rise Up

We're going on a spiritual journey together, through the book of Nehemiah, asking "God, what do you want to do through me?".

Staying the Course

March 31, 2019 | Nehemiah 13 | exposition, generosity

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Have you ever been confronted with the fact that you got off course in life? How did you handle it? Did you humble yourself and admit you were wrong, lost, off-course? Or did you pridefully keep going in the wrong direction? As humans, we’re always in danger of getting off-course. Even when we get back on track, we can’t take our eyes off of God, or we’ll slide into a ditch or take a wrong turn. Yet, God mercifully and lovingly confronts us over and over again to help us stay the course as His people.

In the Book of Nehemiah chapter 13, God led Nehemiah to confront the people of Jerusalem that they had strayed as the people of God and to get back on course. God still confronts our tendency to stray and calls us to stay the course.

Reviving the City

March 24, 2019 | Nehemiah 11-12 | exposition, generosity

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In the book of Nehemiah, revival came to the city of Jerusalem. The city was made safe again by the rebuilding of its walls, but it was the preaching of God’s Word and the repentance of the people of God that led to the revival of Jerusalem that we see in chapters 11 and 12. In the Book of Nehemiah chapters 11 and 12, God inspired Nehemiah to lead His people to do more than just rebuild Jerusalem, but to revive the Holy City. God still calls His people to seek revival in the city in which they live.

Remembering the Covenant

March 17, 2019 | Nehemiah 9-10 | exposition, generosity

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We live in a day of broken promises and broken covenants. So many of us have felt the hurt of either experiencing the broken promise of a friend or family member. Even worse, we know the shame of having failed to keep a promise that we made to someone we care about. This epidemic of promise breaking has produced a generation who is afraid to make commitment for fear they’ll fail. Where do we turn? Who makes and keeps their promises, their covenants, these days? God does. For God is a covenant making, covenant keeping and covenant sealing God!

In the Book of Nehemiah chapters 9-10, the Israelites remembered the covenant God had made with them and responded by renewing their commitment to Him. We can respond to that same God who offers to covenant with us.

Celebrating the Victory

March 10, 2019 | Nehemiah 8 | exposition, generosity

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Below is an automated transcript of this message: Thanks for listening to the podcast from Gary Combs and the preaching team at Wilson Community Church in Wilson, North Carolina. Check us out on the web at wccnc.org for more. And now here’s the sermon. Good morning. Listen, I’m pretty punchy, so forgive me. I’m so