The Five Love Languages of Worship

The emotional need we have to be loved by another was put inside us by God. Unfortunately, our desire to be loved is never fully met because people let us down. However, if we will receive God’s love for us and reciprocate that love in return, we will experience a satisfaction like we’ve never known. There are amazing parallels between how God loves us and how we love one another. Understanding how God loves us will help us better love him back in return, expressing our love fully using every means possible.

Acts of Service

September 23, 2018 | Colossians 3:23-25 | service, worship

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All our service, at home, at work, and at church can be an expression of love and worship for our Lord. But it has to come from the heart. It’s all about serving out of our wholehearted love for the Lord, not out of some sense of earning or duty. So how can we express our love and worship of Christ through acts of service? In the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul taught the Colossian believers that they could express their love of Christ through appropriate acts of service. We can express our love and worship of Jesus through our acts of service.

Giving Gifts

September 16, 2018 | Mark 14:3-11 | giving, worship

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How can we express our love and worship with all heart, soul, mind and strength? It’s only possible because God has first loved us.
How has God loved us first? He created us. He gave us everything we have and everything we are. And even though we have rebelled against Him in sin, He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to redeem us. And to those of us who believe in Him, He has given us His Spirit to live in us, making us His children, and promising us eternal life with Him forever in glory. That’s how He has loved us!! So what gift can you give to the Lord to express your love and worship to Him? In the gospel according to Mark, Jesus commended the extravagant gift of worship given by the woman who anointed Him. We can learn to express our worship by giving to the Lord from this woman’s example.


People today are looking for community. They want something real, something that will meet their needs of companionship and identity. Whether they recognize it or not, God has made all of us with a deep desire for a relationship with Him and with one another. We long for authentic community. We can experience this authentic community when we pursue the four devotions of the early church found in Acts 2:42.

A Shared Focus

August 26, 2018 | Acts 2:42-47 | community groups, prayer

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In the book of Acts, Luke described the “authentic community” of the first century church. He said they were marked by four “devotions.” They were: a shared faith, a shared family, a shared food, and a shared focus. We can experience this authentic community when we pursue these four devotions. Today, we’re going to focus on the 4th devotion, “A Shared Focus.”

A Shared Food

August 19, 2018 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, community groups, food, Lord's Supper

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There’s something about shared food, a shared meal that leads to real community. The same was true of the first century church. In the book of Acts, Luke described the “authentic community” of the first century church. He said they were marked by four “devotions.” They were a shared faith, a shared family, a shared food, and a shared focus. We can experience this authentic community when we pursue these four devotions. Today, we’re going to focus on the third devotion, “A Shared Food.”

A Shared Family

August 12, 2018 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, community groups

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Sin causes us to be separated from God and from each other. But when we come to Christ, He reconciles us to God and to one another and causes us to be devoted to God and one another. This is what we see in the book of Acts. Luke described the “authentic community” of the first century church. He said they were marked by four “devotions.” They were a shared faith, a shared family, a shared food, and a shared focus. We can experience this community when we pursue these four devotions. Today, we’re going to focus on the second devotion, “A Shared Family.”

A Shared Faith

August 5, 2018 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, community groups

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While communities based around politics, sports, BBQ and regional accents may help us find people to associate with as friends, they fall far short of the authentic community that God has in mind for us. In the book of Acts, Luke described the “true community” of the first century church. He noted that they were marked by four “devotions.” We can experience this authentic community when we pursue these four devotions.

The Three R's of Parenting (2018)

Do you remember the Three Rs of Learning from elementary school – Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic? The three Rs of Parenting are Receive, Raise, Release. We all feel unqualified at times to raise our children, but God’s Word has a lot to say about children and parenting and it is a source of help for us.

Release Your Child to the Lord

July 29, 2018 | 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 | Christian parenting, parenting

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Godly parents recognize their call to be leaders who make disciples. If we want to be effective, we have to match our parenting style to every child’s situation.

In his first letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul told them that he had discipled them like a parent according to their situation, sometimes gentle and affectionate like a mother and sometimes strong like a father in order to release them to live up to God’s calling. We can parent our children following God’s Word to match our child’s situation with a goal of releasing them to the Lord.

(Note: due to a technical issue, only audio is available for this sermon)

Raise Up Your Child in the Lord

July 22, 2018 | Ephesians 6:1-4 | Christian parenting, parenting

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What is your parenting approach? Where did you learn how to be a mom or dad? Was it from your parents? From friends or a book? Or are you just winging it? What is your parenting style? It just so happens that the parenting style that sociologists found to be most effective is also similar to the one the Bible teaches. God’s Word teaches the importance of balancing discipline and affection in child-rearing. The apostle Paul told the Ephesians how to raise up their children according to God’s plan. As Christians, we can follow God’s Word in the training of our children and raise them up to maturity according to God’s intent.

Receive Your Child from the Lord

July 15, 2018 | Psalm 127:1-5 | Christian parenting, parenting

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Every parent feels under qualified at one point or another. But we have a source of help in God’s Word. In Psalm 127, Solomon wrote about the necessity of recognizing the Lord as the One builds families and watches over them, so that we receive our children and how to parent them from the Lord.


In this 3-week series, we will learn about the biblical basis for the purpose, mission and vision of our church. More than that, we will learn how God wants each of us, as members of His Church, to have a Heart for God, Heart for Each Other, and Heart for Our World.

Heart for Our World

July 15, 2018 | Matthew 28:18-20 | three commitments

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Over the last two weeks, we’ve talked about the first two qualities of disciple-making, namely making disciples who have a heart for God and heart for each other. This week, we will focus on the third quality, Heart for Our World. In the gospel of Matthew, after Christ had been resurrected and just before his ascension, he called his disciples together on a mountain in Galilee to give them His Great Commission which expressed his loving heart for the people of this world. As disciples of Jesus, we have been given this same Great Commission to have Christ’s heart for the world.