
In this 3-week series, we will learn about the biblical basis for the purpose, mission and vision of our church. More than that, we will learn how God wants each of us, as members of His Church, to have a Heart for God, Heart for Each Other, and Heart for Our World.

Heart for Each Other

July 1, 2018 | John 13:34-35 | three commitments

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We live in a time when it is easier to stay in touch, but people are still starving for a personal touch.What’s the solution to our increasing loneliness? A loving relationship with Jesus and through Him a loving relationship with one another. Jesus invites us to follow Him and belong to His family. In the gospel of John, Christ gave a new commandment to His disciples to love one another just as He loved them, demonstrating their heart for each other. As His disciples, we can follow Christ’s new commandment and have a heart for each other.

Heart for God

June 24, 2018 | Mark 12:28-30 | three commitments

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Christ’s Great Commission commands us to be a disciple-making church. But what kind of disciples? What qualities are we to instill in the disciples we make? That’s where today’s sermon comes in. For the Lord has not only given us the Great Commission. He has also given us the Great Commandment. Today, we’re going to focus on the first part of the Great Commandment which calls us to make disciples who have a Heart for God. In Mark’s gospel, Jesus was asked to name the greatest commandment. In a sense he was asked to simplify all of the writings of the Bible down to one simple statement. He didn’t pause. Jesus told his hearers that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your being, essentially with all your heart. Through Jesus, we can have a heart for God.

Psalms for the Soul

Has worry, fear or depression ever made you feel soul-sick? We go to a doctor when our bodies are sick, but where do we go when we need help for our souls? Go to the Psalms. They are God’s medicine for the soul!

A Psalm for the Hurting

June 3, 2018 | Psalm 25 |

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If pain is unavoidable in this life and there are so many struggles that cause us pain, what can we do? Just as pain moves us to call the doctor, it can moves us to call on the Lord. That’s what the psalmist David did. Listen to how he called on the Lord concerning his hurts:

Psalm 25:18 (ESV) Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins.

In Psalm 25, David lifted up his hurting soul to the Lord for help. We can lift up our hurting souls to the Lord for help.

A Psalm for the Anxious

May 27, 2018 | Psalm 91 | anxiety, anxious

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Do you feel anxious often? Psalm 91 has been a favorite psalm for many who are anxious. In Psalm 91, the Psalmist wrote that those experiencing fearful anxiety could find relief by abiding in the Lord. We can experience relief from fearful anxiety when we abide in the Lord.

A Psalm for the Angry

May 20, 2018 | Psalm 4 | anger

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Anger is a powerful emotion, and if we let it control us, it can destroy relationships and cause harm to our souls. In Psalm 4, King David had received help from the Lord for his anger towards those who had betrayed him and he sought to advise them how they might rightly handle their anger as well. We can receive help from the Lord to rightly handle our anger.

A Psalm for the Discontent

May 13, 2018 | Psalm 131 | discontentment

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Are you content? Happy with your life, your job, your house, your marriage, your kids…? Or do you struggle with discontentment? Does a constant restlessness plague you, so that you never feel fully satisfied and at peace? We go to a doctor when our bodies are sick, but where do we go when we need help for our souls? Go to the Psalms. They are God’s medicine for the soul!

In Psalm 131, David wrote of how he overcame his discontentment by finding contentment in the Lord. We can overcome our discontentment by finding contentment in the Lord.

Living in Babylon: An Exposition of Daniel

We're going verse by verse through the book of Daniel. In the book of Daniel, we have a book that encourages us when we feel like we aren't at home, when we wonder where God is in our trials and tribulations.

Facing End Times

May 6, 2018 | Daniel 12 | end times, exposition

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Do you fear death? Do you wonder about life after death? How do you face life, death and eternity? With confidence? Or do you avoid thinking about it?

The Lord wanted Daniel to think about it. But only so that he would know how to live in view of the end. Any wise person who takes a trip must think about the destination and how to get there. In the final chapter of Daniel, the Lord instructed Daniel how to live in view of the time of the end.

God’s Appointed Times

April 29, 2018 | Daniel 11 | exposition, prophecy

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Do you ever worry about the future? You watch one of the 24 hour news channels and all you see is war, terrorism, school shootings, natural disasters… “What’s this world come to?” you ask. Perhaps you don’t worry about yourself, but you worry about your kids’ future? But what if you could trust God with your future and your families’ future? What if God had already appointed times for the future, so that He not only knows what the future holds, but He has ordained it? And what if God would let you in on some of the details? In Daniel 11, the Lord revealed His future appointed times for His people, so that Daniel would understand what was to come. We can understand the times the Lord has appointed and respond accordingly.

He Touched Me

April 22, 2018 | Daniel 10 | exposition, prophecy

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As exiles in this world, we often need strength and encouragement for the journey. Some of us are in mourning for the loss of a loved one or the loss of some other precious thing to us. Some are weak in body and need healing. Others are weak in spirit and need encouragement. Some are afraid and need someone to alleviate their fears. Some of us are lonely and have gone all week without the touch of another person.

But what if we could experience the touch of the Master’s hand? His touch to strengthen and to guide. His touch to heal and wipe away our tears. His touch to know that He is with us no matter what storms may lie ahead. We have a very basic human need for touch, especially for the touch of our Creator hands.

In chapter 10 of Daniel, the Lord responded to Daniel’s mournful prayer for understanding by touching him and strengthening him with a revelation of things from God’s heavenly perspective. We can be strengthened in our understanding of things from God’s heavenly perspective.

The Covenant Keeping God

April 15, 2018 | Daniel 9 | exposition, prophecy

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Why do we need a “covenant-keeping” God? Because our world is full of broken covenants and broken promises. We sign contracts and promissory notes, but we over-extend ourselves and don’t pay what we owe. We make promises to our children, but something more important comes up and we don’t keep our promises. We promise to “love and to cherish til death us do part,” but our world is filled with broken marriages and fractured families. We even make promises to God to change, to do better, maybe even to join a church, but we are a covenant-breaking people. We want to change, but only a covenant-making, covenant-keeping God can save us from our brokenness.

In the book of Daniel chapter 9, Daniel called on the covenant-keeping God of Israel to forgive and restore His people and His city, Jerusalem, and God not only answered his prayer, but also revealed to Daniel details about the coming of the Messiah and His eternal kingdom. We can be encouraged because our covenant-keeping God still answers prayers for forgiveness and restoration through the promise of His Messiah, Jesus Christ, and His eternal kingdom.