Faith Heroes: Ordinary People that God Used in Extraordinary Ways

The Bible is filled with great men and women of the faith. As we examine these faith heroes we will see how God used them mightily and how will use us too. All of these heroes point to Jesus who is the champion that initiates and perfects our faith. We too can be faith heroes as we devote our lives to Christ.

Mary: A Willing Faith

May 22, 2016 | Luke 1:26-38 | character study, faith

In the book of Luke, God spoke through the angel Gabriel to Mary to announce that she would give birth to a son who would be the Messiah, the Son of God. Mary willingly received and believed God’s Word. She became a willing vessel of God’s Word. We can have a faith like Mary’s that willing receives and believes God’s Word.

Peter: A Bold Faith

May 15, 2016 | Luke 5:1-11 | character study, faith

In the book of Luke, Jesus called Peter to make a bold step of faith to leave everything and follow Him. Peter decided to boldly follow Jesus. We can have the same kind of faith as Peter. Jesus is calling each of us to follow Him.

Ruth: A Redeeming Faith

May 9, 2016 | Ruth 1:15-18 | character study, faith

In the book of Ruth, the Moabite widow named Ruth put her faith in the redeeming power of the God of Israel to rescue and redeem her and her mother-in-law Naomi. We can have faith in the redeeming power of God today. The text gives three steps on how to have a redeeming faith like Ruth’s.

David: A Passionate Faith

May 1, 2016 | Acts 13:22-23 | character study, faith

One of the great heroes in the Bible was the Shepherd King named David. He is the only one in Scripture to be called a “man after God’s own heart.” There are more chapters in the Old Testament about David than anyone else. And this poet, musician, shepherd, warrior, king has more mentions in the New Testament than any other Old Testament figure. Yet, David wasn’t perfect. He was a man after God’s heart, but still a man nonetheless. David was zealous, humble and focused, yet he was still a sinner. The real beauty and purpose of his life is how it points to Jesus, the real hero of the Bible and of all creation.

Samuel: An Obedient Faith

April 24, 2016 | 1 Samuel 15:22-23 | character study, faith

In the book of 1 Samuel, we see in Samuel’s life how God cares about the condition of our heart and the object of our obedience. We can have obedient faith like Samuel by trusting Christ to give us a new heart that is in submission to His will. Our text today gives us three ways to have obedient faith like Samuel.

Joseph: A Persevering Faith

April 17, 2016 | Hebrews 12:1-2 | character study, faith

We begin our Faith Heroes series with Joseph the dreamer. As we study the life of Joseph, we see the commands of the book of Hebrews very clear in his life. Hebrews shows us three ways to have heroic faith like Joseph.

What Easter Really Means

For many of us, Easter means things like Spring Break, trips to see family, and traditions like egg hunts and candy. These are all fine things, but Easter really means Hope, Life, and Joy.

Easter Means…Joy

April 10, 2016 | 1 Peter 1:3,6-9 | easter, gospel

In the apostle Peter’s first letter, he tells believers in Asia Minor that they can have wonderful joy in every situation because of the resurrection of Jesus. We too can have this wonderful joy because God raised Jesus from the dead. Our text today gives us three ways to have wonderful joy through the resurrection of Jesus.

Easter Means…Life

April 3, 2016 | John 11:17-44 | easter, gospel

Are you feeling a sense of having no purpose, like life just has little meaning right now? Are you feeling grief from a loss, perhaps the loss of a family member or the loss of a relationship? Is life just feeling too brief or too mundane? We need to hear that there is something more eternal and more abundant. In the gospel of John, Christ called Martha to believe that He was the resurrection and the life. We can receive the resurrection life of Christ by believing in Him.

Easter Means…Hope

March 27, 2016 | 1 Peter 1:3-5 | easter, gospel

Easter really means hope…the desire itself, someone to anchor it, and something to hope for. Easter Weekend, 2016.

Gospel Centered Living

During this series we will be discussing how we can make the gospel the center focus of our lives by building relationships, sharing the gospel, and introducing people to our community of believers. Together, these three activities will not only result in a gospel centered lifestyle for us, but it will create an invitational culture in our church that will bring those far away from God into the Kingdom.

Inviting Others to Gospel Community

March 20, 2016 | Acts 2:44-47 | community, evangelism, gospel

In the book of Acts, Luke recorded how the early church was so saturated with the grace, power and love from the gospel of Christ that God continually added new believers to their number. We can be a gospel saturated community that is marked by the grace, power and love of Christ, so that we see God adding believers to our number.