No matter if you are a new believer, young in your faith or someone who has believed in Jesus Christ for many years it is always wise to go back to the basics of our faith. In this series we will look at some of the most fundamental attributes of faith such as assurance, forgiveness, and thankfulness. During this 6 week series, we will study 6 basic characteristics of being a Christian.
October 25, 2015 |
1 John 5:11-15 |
assurance, discipleship
Do you have proof that you are a citizen of heaven? Do you have confidence that you are a citizen of God’s Kingdom? Many people struggle with doubts in this area. Wouldn’t you like to be sure? In the apostle John’s first letter, he told his hearers that they could have assurance of salvation by receiving and believing in Christ Jesus. We can be sure of our salvation by receiving and trusting in Christ Jesus.
October 18, 2015 |
Matthew 20:25-28 |
discipleship, generosity, three commitments
In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God. Jesus gives us the same charge to be servants and contribute to His Kingdom. In today’s message we will see in God’s Word three commitments in order to contribute to His Kingdom.
October 4, 2015 |
Mark 12:30 |
discipleship, three commitments
When is the last time you really celebrated? I mean you really cut loose and let joy wash over you? Or are you living a life of duty? Is your life marked by dryness and dread? The spark is gone and you’ve got nothing to look forward to? To be honest, you’re just going through the motions.
Did you know that love and joy and celebration are connected? And where you focus your heart, where you put your affection, your first love, affects everything. What do you love first? You can tell by what you put first. Who or what comes first in your life? What are you celebrating? What is so important to you that you’re throwing a party, blowing out candles, setting off fireworks for, standing on your feet cheering for it?
In this second message in our Spiritual DNA sermon series, Pastor Gary shows us how we can Celebrate God’s Son by loving him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
September 27, 2015 |
Mark 1:16-18 |
discipleship, three commitments
In the book of Mark, Jesus challenged the disciples with a simple commitment: “Follow me.” Jesus called them to a relationship with Him. He called them to be Jesus-followers. Of course, this meant leaving everything else behind. It was such a simple commitment, yet it led a radically better life. We can answer this same simple commitment to follow Jesus and experience the better life He promised.
September 20, 2015 |
Matthew 6:13 |
Justin Norden concluded our sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer with the Outward Movement, the part of the Lord’s Prayer where we ask God to protect us and use us as he leads us. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.”
September 20, 2015 |
September 21 – 27
Join us as we learn to pray like Jesus. This 7-day devotional will guide you as you learn to pray “Lead us not into temptation” prayers, the 4th movement of the Rhythm of Prayer.
The Rhythm of Prayer Guide – Week 4
September 13, 2015 |
September 14 – 20
Join us as we learn to pray like Jesus. This 7-day devotional will guide you as you learn to pray “Give us this day” prayers that seek the hand of God, the 3rd movement of the Rhythm of Prayer.
The Rhythm of Prayer Guide – Week 3
September 13, 2015 |
Matthew 6:11-12 |
As we continue our sermon series on prayer, Pastor Stephen teaches on the Inward Movement in the Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” We can trust God to meet not just our physical needs, but also the needs of our souls.
September 6, 2015 |
Matthew 6:9-13 |
Pastor Jonathan Minter continues our Rhythm of Prayer series as we learn about the 2nd movement in the Lord’s Prayer: The Downward Movement. Learn how to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”