Not Ashamed: An Exposition of 2 Timothy

In this sermon series, we're going verse by verse through the book of 2 Timothy. The main theme of 2 Timothy can be found in 2 Timothy 1:8: "Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God."

Not Ashamed To Handle the Truth

November 16, 2014 | 2 Timothy 2 | bible, exposition

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series entitled, “Not Ashamed,” with this message from 2 Timothy chapter 2 about the seven images that the apostle Paul offered to help us “rightly handle” the word of truth. This is part two in a four part expositional series through the book of 2 Timothy.

Not Ashamed To Testify About Jesus

November 9, 2014 | 2 Timothy 1 | evangelism, exposition

Pastor Gary Combs begins an expositional sermon series through the book of 2 Timothy entitled “Not Ashamed.” In this first sermon based on chapter one, he discusses how the apostle Paul encouraged his young protege Timothy not to be ashamed to testify about Jesus because it is Christ in us that overcomes our shame. We can overcome the tendency to be ashamed about giving our testimony about Jesus by receiving this encouragement from God’s Word.

An Orphan's Hope

Each year, Wilson Community Church takes a weekend to raise awareness of the plight of the orphan and vulnerable child in Wilson and abroad. We were all once orphaned and fatherless spiritually, and God made a way for us to be sons and daughters through the person and work of Jesus Christ. As a result, God has called the church to make a way for the orphan to have hope and a family.

An Orphan’s Hope – 2014

November 2, 2014 | James 1:27 | orphan care

When God adopts us into his family through the grace of Christ, we begin to work that out by having a heart for the fatherless here on this earth. As we remembered Orphan Sunday as a church, Pastor Gary helped us understand how we “visit” the orphans as James 1:27 encourages us to do.

The 7 Habits of Growing Christians

How do we grow as Christians? What habits help us grow to be more like Jesus? Dallas Willard says, "The disciple is one who, intent on becoming Christ-like and so dwelling in his faith and practice, systematically and progressively rearranges his affairs to that end." In this sermon series, we're going to learn how to do just that.

The Habit of Selfless Service

October 26, 2014 | John 17:2-17 | discipleship, generosity

In this conclusion to our 7 Habits of Growing Christians sermon series, Pastor Jonathan Combs helps us understand why and how to build the habit of selfless service in our lives. Christ gave us the perfect example of selfless service, and it is through his power that we can serve others in this way.

The Habit of Way of Life Witnessing

October 19, 2014 | Acts 4:29-31 | discipleship, evangelism

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Seven Habits of Growing Christians” sermon series with this message from Acts 4 on how to be a way of life witness. This message answers the question, “Why witness?” as well as the question of “How to witness as a way of life.” The habit of way of life witnessing is a necessary spiritual discipline for those who would grow to maturity in Christ.

The Habit of Graceful Giving

October 12, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 8-9 | discipleship, generosity

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series “The Seven Habits of Growing Christians” with this message from 1 Corinthians 8-9 about the habit of graceful giving. In Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth he them to grow and excel in the “grace of giving.” He wanted them to grow in the habit of graceful giving. We can grow in the habit of graceful giving. It is one of the habits that helps us to grow up in our salvation becoming more like the greatest giver of all, Jesus Christ.

The Habit of Authentic Fellowship

October 5, 2014 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, discipleship

As we continue our series on the 7 Habits of Growing Christians, Pastor Gary Combs helps us understand how being in a community of people united by a devotion to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer enable true spiritual growth.

The Habit of Personal Prayer

September 28, 2014 | Psalm 103 | discipleship, prayer

As we continue our sermon series – The 7 Habits of Growing Christians – Pastor Jonathan teaches 3 movements of prayer from the book of Psalms.

The Habit of Bible Study

September 21, 2014 | Joshua 1:6-9 | bible, discipleship

Pastor Gary Combs continues his sermon series, The Seven Habits of Growing Christians, with this message from Joshua 1:6-9 about the importance of studying the Bible. This message answers the question why we should be serious students of the Bible as well as how we can develop this important habit.

The Habit of Daily Devotions

September 14, 2014 | Mark 1:35-38 | bible, discipleship

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series, The Seven Habits of Growing Christians, with this message from the gospel of Mark. In Mark 1:35-38, the disciples learned that Jesus had a habit of starting every day alone with God. If Jesus, the Son of God, calls us to follow Him, should we follow Him in His habit of daily devotion? Jesus still calls disciples today to follow Him. You can grow in your maturity as His disciple by following Him in the habit of daily devotion. The text teaches us three important ingredients to having a habit of daily devotion like Jesus.