Kingdom Kids: Raising Kids To Be Better Than Just Good

We all want the best for our kids, don't we? But sometimes, in the busyness and struggles of life, we settle…And want them just to be “good”. We fill their lives with good things: a good diet, good education, good opportunities, good sports, good memories, good routines, and sometimes neglect the “best” thing. Children are entrusted to us by God. And He desires Kingdom Kids.

Situational Parenting

July 20, 2014 | 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 | parenting

Pastor Gary Combs teaches us from 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 on the topic of “Situational Parenting”

Stewardship Parenting

July 13, 2014 | Ephesians 6:4 | parenting

In this kickoff to our new sermon series, Pastor Gary helps us understand how to raise children that are better than good – how to raise Kingdom Kids. Using Ephesians 6:4, we learn the ABC’s of Stewardship Parenting.

FAIL: Life Strategies that Fail Us

Are you tired from trying to do life your way? How's that working for you anyway? In our sermon series called "FAIL", we look at some life strategies that sound like a good idea, but in reality they fail us. Instead, we discover how to live God's way.

Let’s Try Living Together First

July 7, 2014 | Malachi 2:10-15 | marriage, singleness

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the FAIL series with this message from Malachi about God’s wonderful provision for us called marriage. A growing number of people today are choosing to live together rather than commit to marriage. About 2/3 of them say it’s because they don’t want to experience divorce. But God’s Word offers a better strategy, one that offers four words of blessing for us in marriage. These four words are: Creation, Covenant, Celebration and Commitment.

This Is As Good As It Gets

June 29, 2014 | Numbers 32 | discipleship

Pastor Jonathan Combs addressed this tendency for complacency and settling among many people in our culture when God has called us to live an abundant life. This sermon from Numbers 32 calls Christians to reject this tendency to settle and instead live out the calling for God’s best.

I’ll Get To That Later

June 22, 2014 | James 4:13-17 | discipleship

In the third installment of our FAIL: Life Strategies that Fail Us sermon series, Jonathan Combs helps us understand the failed life strategy called, “I’ll Get To That Later”. What major life decision have you been putting off? Have you heard the calling of God, but you’ve resisted following his will? Stop waiting for the “right conditions” and learn to follow God’s will right away!

God, If I Do This, Will You Do That?

June 15, 2014 | Luke 18:9-14 | discipleship

In the second sermon in our “FAIL: Life Strategies That Fail Us” series, Jonathan Minter uncovered the life strategy called, “God, If I Do This, Will You Do That?” We often approach God with a list of things we’ve done in hopes of gaining something in return. But Jesus, in a parable about a Pharisee and a tax collector, taught us that our right-standing with God does not come from within ourselves, but rather from accepting the righteousness of Christ.

I’ve Got This

June 8, 2014 | Proverbs 3:4-7 | discipleship

Do you ever struggle with control issues? Do you hesitate to stop and ask for directions? Mike Laramee helps us see the failure of the life strategy called, “I’ve Got This”. We must learn to depend not on our own wisdom but the wisdom of God as given to us by his Word, his Holy Spirit, and other believers.

Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health

We spend time diagnosing and improving our physical health. How do we know whether we are spiritually healthy? What can we do about it? Do you thirst for God? Are you growing in obedience to God's Word? Are you more loving and forgiving? Do you have a growing concern for the spiritual condition of others? Are you growing in generosity in your serving and giving? Are you learning to be content in every circumstance?

Are You Learning the Joy of Contentment in Every Circumstance?

June 1, 2014 | Philippians 4:4-13 | discipleship, joy

Pastor Gary Combs concluded the sermon series “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health” with this message from Philippians about the Christian’s contentment. As we trust Christ more and more we are able to find our contentment in Him and not in the ever changing circumstances of life.

Are You Growing in Generosity, Serving and Giving?

May 25, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 | discipleship, generosity

Justin Norden continues our series, “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health”, by helping us diagnose whether we are growing in generosity. Christian generosity is about more than money. We must trust God to supply our needs, be good stewards of God’s resources and then respond to Christ’s sacrifice for us by being generous on all occasions and growing in him.

Do you have a growing concern for the spiritual condition of others?

May 18, 2014 | Philemon 1:4-6 | discipleship, evangelism

When we come to Christ, we come for ourselves. We come needing for ourselves. But having received Him, He makes us see others. He makes us want to help others. Who are you concerned for today? Who do you know that needs Christ? Whose spiritual condition are you concerned for? In this sermon, Pastor Gary helps us diagnose whether we are appropriately concerned for the spiritual condition of others.