SHAPEd for Significance

This sermon series can help you understand and respond to God's unique call on your life. Take the SHAPEd Challenge

“E” is for Experience

February 9, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 1:3-10 | discipleship

Pastor Gary Combs concluded the “SHAPEd for Significance” series with this message from 2 Corinthians about how God wants to use our experiences, both good and bad to comfort others and to bring glory to Him.

“P” is for Personality

February 2, 2014 | Mark 12:28-31 | discipleship

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Shaped for Significance” series with this message from Mark 12:28-32 about Personality. This message focuses on the four aspects of humanity, our heart, soul, mind and strength, that we are to fully use in our love of God and also of others. These four aspects might be viewed through the lens of human personality. The study of personality is helpful in understanding our unique differences and how we need each other. It helps us to show grace to one another. It also refines our search for meaning as we align our work with our SHAPE.

“A” is for Abilities

January 26, 2014 | Colossians 3:17-4:1 | discipleship

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Shaped for Significance” series with this message from Colossians 3:17 through 4:1 about using our God-given abilities to bring glory to Him. This message both points to the purpose of our abilities as well as offering a theology of work. It also encourages the believer to see all that they do as sacred work.

“H” is for Heart

January 19, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 | discipleship

As we continue to discover how God has SHAPEd us all uniquely for significant service to God’s Kingdom, Pastor Gary Combs helps us understand how God gives us a heart transplant when we are saved, so that our passions align with the rest of our SHAPE and begin to beat in alignment with His.

“S” is for Spiritual Gifts

January 12, 2014 | 1 Corinthians 12:1-13, 27-31 | discipleship, spiritual gifts

Pastor Gary Combs continues the 6-part message series “Shaped for Significance” with this message about spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians 12. In this message he answers questions about spiritual gifts from the Bible and shows how the ultimate purpose of these gifts is to edify the body of Christ and to bring glory to the Father.

SHAPEd for Significance

January 5, 2014 | Psalm 139:13-15 | discipleship

Jonathan Combs kicked off our SHAPEd for Significance sermon series with this introductory sermon. We learn in Psalm 139 that God creates us personally and uniquely for a purpose. Will you join the #shapedchallenge to discover why God created you?

Advent Conspiracy

Want to join a conspiracy? This year, we're joining churches around the world to turn Christmas up-side down (actually right-side up) and buck the trend of consumerism this Christmas season. Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love All.

Love All

December 29, 2013 | 1 John 4:7-12 | advent conspiracy, christmas

In this conclusion of our Advent Conspiracy series, Jonathan Combs helps us understand what it means to love with the same love God showed when he sent Jesus as a baby on that first Christmas

Give More

December 22, 2013 | Luke 2:1-14 | advent conspiracy, christmas

In the third sermon in our Advent Conspiracy series, Pastor Gary challenges us to give like God gives. He gave us Jesus as a sacrificial gift, a relational gift, and an incarnational gift.

Spend Less

December 15, 2013 | Isaiah 55:1-7 | advent conspiracy, christmas

Pastor Gary Combs continues the Advent Conspiracy 2013 sermon series. This message from Isaiah 55:1-7 challenges us to spend less on Christmas so we can be more satisfied in the person of Christ

Worship Fully

December 8, 2013 | Matthew 2:1-12 | advent conspiracy, christmas

Pastor Gary Combs begins a new 4-week series called the Advent Conspiracy 2013. This message from Matthew 2:1-12 challenges us to recognize the battle for our worship this Christmas and to choose to pull our worship off of the kingdom of this world and to fully worship King Jesus.