I AM - The 7 I AM Statements of Jesus

In the Book of John, Jesus made 7 "I AM" statements. In this series, we learn how Jesus is the answer to life's deepest longings.

Jesus – The Bread of Life

September 22, 2013 | John 6:25-40 | jesus

This is the first sermon in the 7-part series entitled “I AM: How Jesus Answers Life’s Deepest Longings.” This message considers the first of Jesus’ seven I AM statements found in the gospel of John. The first I AM declaration by Jesus is recorded in John 6:35, where Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” Here, Jesus is saying that He is the only one that can satisfy our soul’s deepest need for eternal life.


Are you ready for God to ignite your relationship with him? What could happen if every believer lives a lifestyle of daily repentance, is in the Word daily, and seeks God's face in prayer? Take the Ignite Challenge

Ignite – A People Called by His Name

September 15, 2013 | Ephesians 3:14-4:4 | community, revival

Jonathan Combs concludes our Ignite sermon series by helping us see what it means to be a people called by God’s name. What does it truly look like when a people God submit themselves to daily Bible reading, prayer, and repentance? What does it look like to be a people Ignited by God’s fire?

Ignite – Fanning the Flame with Prayer

September 8, 2013 | Luke 11:1-4 | prayer, revival

Mike Laramee continued our Ignite sermon series by talking about Prayer. Repentance sets the spark of the fire, the Word is the fuel of the fire, and we fan it into a flame by praying. In this sermon, Mike helps us understand how to pray like Jesus prayed using Jesus’ model prayer – also known as the Lord’s Prayer.

Ignite – Fueling the Fire with the Word

September 1, 2013 | Hebrews 4:12-13 | bible, revival

Jonathan Minter continued our Ignite sermon series by helping us see how the Word of God fuels the fire of revival. Whether you have been a Christ-follower for a long time, are a new believer, or are yet to fully surrender your life to Christ, the Bible is what is next for you.

Ignite – Setting the Spark for Revival Through Repentance

August 25, 2013 | Mark 1:14-15 | revival

Jonathan Combs continued our Ignite sermon series by helping us understand the blessing of repentance – that when we receive the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ, we can repent and believe the Good News that God will not count our sins against us.

Ignite – Preparing for Revival

August 18, 2013 | 2 Chronicles 7:1-3, 10-18 | revival

Jonathan Combs kicked off our Ignite sermon series by helping us see 3 foundational actions that prepare us for revival from 2 Chronicles 7. Do you want God to restore your relationship with him, reviving what is dead inside you?


Parables are little stories with kingdom ideas. Mark 4:30 (GNT) “What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like?” asked Jesus. “What parable shall we use to explain it?”

Kingdom Citizens Produce Fruit: The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

August 11, 2013 | Luke 13:6-9 | discipleship

Pastor Stephen concluded our Parables series by helping us understand the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree and that God expects his children to produce fruit.

Who Am I? The Parable of the Wedding Feast

August 4, 2013 | Luke 14:7-11 | discipleship

Justin continues our Parables sermon series with the Parable of the Wedding Feast and what Jesus says our identity is as children in his Kingdom.

The Kingdom is Treasure: The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Merchant

July 28, 2013 | Matthew 13:44-46 | discipleship

Pastor Jonathan continued our Parables sermon series by looking at the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Merchant in Matthew 13:44-46. Do you ever feel like God is hidden from you? Or in the busyness of life, are the things of God the first things to get pushed off your list? These little parables from Jesus have great meaning for us as citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Serving God With Our Wealth: The Parable of the Rich Fool

July 21, 2013 | Luke 12:13-21 | finances, generosity

Mike Laramee kicks off our Parables sermon series. Parables are little stories Jesus told with kingdom ideas. In this sermon, he helps us understand the Parable of the Rich Fool and challenges us to serve God with our wealth.