The Most Important Doctrine

In this sermon, Justin Norden, from our teaching team, helps us understand the Great Commandment and why it is more important than any doctrine.

The Most Important Doctrine

July 22, 2012 | Mark 12:28-31 | discipleship

Justin Norden delivers a message entitled “The Most Important Doctrine.”


Stephen Combs, Pastor of Worship and Youth at Wilson Community Church, speaking on the word "Hope" on Sunday, July 15th.


July 15, 2012 | Psalm 42:1-6,8 | discipleship

Stephen Combs, Pastor of Worship and Youth at Wilson Community Church, speaking on the word “Hope” on Sunday, July 15th.

Family Feud

This series covers important topics for the family, such as parenting, singleness, marriage and more.

Faith: Passing On a Godly Legacy

July 8, 2012 | Matthew 19:13-15 | parenting

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the “Family Feud” sermon series with this last message about how to pass the baton of faith on to the next generation. This message is taken from Matthew 19:13-15 where Jesus rebuked his disciples for hindering the little children to come to him. This message helps parents understand the importance of leading their children to Jesus and not being a spiritual hindrance to their faith.

Single: Discovering True Fulfillment

July 1, 2012 | 1 Corinthians 7 | singleness

Pastor Gary Combs continues his “Family Feud” series with this message for singles. Taken from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, it offers some very specific instructions for singles and how they could live a fulfilled life by being devoted to God. Whether married or single, we can experience this life of fulfillment and devotion to God.

Conflict: Winning the War for Oneness

June 24, 2012 | Ephesians 4 | conflict

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Family Feud” sermon series with this message from Ephesians about how to handle conflict. The apostle Paul told the Ephesians that they could turn conflict into communication and understanding through the power of Christ’s forgiveness and love. We can resolve the conflicts in our relationships and turn them into quality communication and understanding through Christ’s power of love and forgiveness.

Parenting: Bringing Up Children in the Lord

June 17, 2012 | Ephesians 6:1-3 | parenting

Pastor Gary Combs continues the Family Feud series with another message from the book of Ephesians. This message is addressed to children and parents. The apostle Paul told the Ephesians how to raise their children according to God’s design. As Christians, we can follow God’s Word in the discipline of our children and bring them up to maturity according to God’s intent. (Special thanks to Coy and Gail Sexton for playing contestants).

Marriage: Becoming God’s Dynamic Duo

June 10, 2012 | Ephesians 5:22-33 | marriage

Pastor Gary Combs continues his sermon series entitled “Family Feud” with this message from Ephesians 5:22-33. In this letter from the apostle Paul, he gave household rules for those who make up the family of God. Among these instructions are his instructions on how God wants husbands and wives to live together in a way that brings glory to Him. Your marriage can become God’s dynamic duo for showing His glory to the world! (Special thanks to Stan and Leeda Bacon for playing contestants).

Facing the Family Crisis

June 3, 2012 | 1 Samuel 2 | family

Pastor Gary Combs begins a 6-week sermon series entitled “Family Feud” with this message from 1 Samuel he calls “Facing the Family Crisis.” In the book of 1 Samuel the high priest Eli is a success at work, but a failure at home. There are three warning signs that his family is in crisis, but he ignores them. This message shows us how to recognize and respond to the crises facing our family today. Also, includes a duet by Gary and Robin Combs of the song, “Show Me Thy Ways” (written by Gary Combs). (Special thanks to our game show contestants, Stuart and Paula Haste!)

Authentic Christianity

An exposition (verse by verse study) of the book of 1 John

Being Sure of Salvation

May 20, 2012 | 1 John 5 | eternal security, exposition

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the seven week sermon series Authentic Christianity with this message from 1 John 5. In the first epistle of John, he wrote that authentic Christians can know with confidence that they have eternal life and are authentic Christians. We can have this confidence and knowledge, being sure that we are Christians.

Perfecting Love

May 13, 2012 | 1 John 4:7-21 | exposition, love

Pastor Gary Combs continues his sermon series “Authentic Christianity” with this 6th message from the book of 1 John. In the first epistle of John, he wrote that authentic Christians are marked by a perfecting kind of love, a love that comes from God, making us complete in Him and showing the world what perfect love looks like and therefore revealing God to the world.