Advent means “coming, appearing, or arrival.” It speaks of Christ’s past appearing in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago as well as His future promised appearing. As believers, we live between these two advents of Christ.
Therefore let us watch and wait for Christ’s soon return! We light candles of hope, peace, joy, and love, remembering the promises of God.
December 17, 2023 |
1 Peter 1:3-9 |
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Isn’t “joy” supposed to be what the Christmas season is about? Isn’t it why we say, “Merry Christmas?” The Advent season is an invitation for us to consider the promise of joy found only in Christ. In Peter’s first epistle, he encouraged the dispersed believers throughout Asia Minor to find their true joy in Christ. We can find our true joy in Christ.
December 10, 2023 |
John 14:27-28 |
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Where is the peace we are promised in the Christmas story? Today’s news is filled with stories of war. As the prophet Jeremiah said, “People are saying, ‘Peace, peace’ when there is no peace.”
Are you at peace today? Do you have a deep, abiding, quiet sense of peace? Or are you struggling with anxiety and a sense of disquiet and disorder? The Advent season is an invitation for us to consider the promise of peace found only in Christ. God’s peace is more than the absence of hostility. It is a divine state of tranquility and well-being, with God, self, and others. In the gospel of John, he reported how Jesus gave His disciples a promise of peace in Him at the last supper the night before His crucifixion. We can have this peace that Christ alone can give.
December 3, 2023 |
Titus 2:11-14 |
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At Jesus’ first advent, He was proclaimed as “Savior.” As the angels announced to the Shepherds, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11). In His second advent, He will return as King and will gather all those as Paul says who “have longed for His appearing.” We live now between the two advents, the two comings… waiting… in anticipation of Christ’s return.
Do you remember the sense of anticipation you felt when you were a child at the approach of Christmas Day? Many today live lives of hopelessness. They don’t really have anything to look forward to. The Advent season is an invitation for us to step back from the busyness of our daily lives and to slow down and remember that Jesus has come and that Jesus is coming again. God has given us reason to hope, but our hope is not dependent on a wishful feeling. Our hope is in the person of Jesus! In the book of Titus chapter 2, the apostle Paul reminded his disciple Titus that the hope he had in Christ was a blessed hope. We can be reminded that the hope we have in Christ is a blessed hope.
November 19, 2023 |
Hebrews 5:1-10 |
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Do you ever feel like Job? “If only there were someone who could bring me together with God!” Someone who not only understands you and your situation, but also is able to bring you near to God? That was the purpose of the Old Testament high priest. He represented the people before God. Yet, they had shortcomings. Their ministry was always only a foreshadowing of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
In Hebrews 5:1-10, the author helped the Hebrew background believers understand why Jesus is a greater high priest. We can understand why Jesus is the greater high priest.
November 12, 2023 |
Hebrews 4:14-16 |
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We all want special treatment, special access, especially to something or someone we deem important or valuable to us. We want to go backstage. We want to be able to sit in the reserved seats. We want to sit courtside and actually meet the players and coaches and feel that we’re part of the team. We all have this deep need to know and be known. At its deepest level, I think this is a God-given desire for fellowship, with God and with others. God made us that way. And we’ll feel disconnected and spiritually empty until we find access to Him.
How are you feeling about your relationship with God today? Do you feel close to God or distant today? Do you feel you have VIP access to Him In Hebrews 4:14-16, the Jewish background believers were challenged to respond rightly to Jesus as the great high priest opening up a greater access to God’s throne of grace. We can respond rightly to Jesus as the great high priest who opens up greater access to God.
November 5, 2023 |
Hebrews 4:1-13 |
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Are you weary and heavy with burdens today? Are you struggling with an aching kind of exhaustion that no amount of napping can cure? No vacation spot can alleviate? Let us consider two questions today: what is this rest that Jesus offers? And how do we enter into this
In the book of Hebrews chapter 4:1-13, the author encouraged Hebrew background believers to strive to enter God’s rest. We can strive to enter God’s rest.
October 29, 2023 |
Hebrews 3:7-19 |
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Fighting and terrorism between Israel and Hamas. Riots in our streets. Shootings in Maine. Political fighting and disunity. Concerns about the economy and inflation. Growing anxiety and suicidal ideation among our young people. Where can we turn? Whose voice shall we heed for help? Whose calling? There are so many competing voices and most have already let us down. How do we keep from hardening our hearts to the calling of Jesus? We’ve heard it, but have we really truly responded to it? That’s what today’s message is about. The only voice, the only calling, that can truly help us is the calling of Jesus. How will you respond to Christ’s calling?
In the book of Hebrews chapter 3:7-19, the author warned the Hebrews not to harden their hearts against the greater calling of Jesus. We can heed the warning not to harden our hearts and rightly respond to the greater calling of Jesus.
October 22, 2023 |
Hebrews 3:1-6 |
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We all have a tendency to give glory and honor to something or someone. It’s human nature. Seeing something or someone as glorious, we honor them with our admiration, our words, even our pocketbooks. But we tend to lower our eyes to the lesser reflections of glory rather than focusing on the truly glorious One, who is the source of all glory.
In the book of Hebrews chapter 3:1-6, the author told the Hebrew background believers to closely consider Jesus to see that He is worthy of more glory than all, even Moses. We can consider Jesus to see that His glory is greater than all.
October 15, 2023 |
Hebrews 2:5-18 |
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This is not a “what to do” or “how to” sermon. This is a “Behold, see Jesus” sermon. Because if you truly see Him, as our King, our Founder, our Brother and our Great High Priest and Friend, then you’ll know where to go for help.
In the book of Hebrews chapter 2, the author continued to show why Jesus is greater than all by showing why His help is greater. We can understand that there is no greater help than that which we find in Jesus.
October 8, 2023 |
Hebrews 2:1-4 |
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If you’re not a follower of Jesus today, perhaps you’ve been looking for salvation in other places because you just haven’t heard the message of salvation through Jesus. So you’re still searching for meaning, for purpose, for happiness. But you haven’t really heard what Jesus offers. Or perhaps you have heard, but you still have questions and doubts and you’ve delayed trusting in Him. Or maybe you are a believer in Jesus, you’ve received His great salvation, but you’ve drifted away from the joy and assurance you once had. There are many reasons that we believers might drift away from the gospel.
In the book of Hebrews chapter 2, believers were warned to carefully heed the message of God’s great salvation offered in Jesus, lest they drift away from it. We can carefully heed the message of God’s great salvation offered in Jesus.