War of the Worldviews

In this series, Pastor Gary tackles some of the tough issues of the day by looking at how our world view affects everything we believe.

Whatever Is Praiseworthy: Conquering Our Consumer Culture

February 26, 2012 | Luke 12 | consumerism

Pastor Gary Combs concludes his 8-week sermon series entitled War of the Worldviews with this message about how to overcome consumerism. Taken from Luke 12, Pastor Gary teaches from the story where Jesus tells about a farmer who was consumed by his possessions. His fields produced an abundant crop but his reaction was typical of many. He said, “I’m going to tear down my barns and build bigger ones, then I’ll store up my goods so that I’ll have plenty to enjoy when I retire.” Today’s culture would call him a great success, Jesus calls him a “fool.” His evaluation of his possessions was really out of whack. Jesus warned against the greed of consumerism and challenged His hearers to be rich towards God. We can Conquer the Culture of Consumerism by being rich towards God.

Whatever Is Excellent: Pursuing the Victory for Virtue

February 19, 2012 | Galatians 5 | fruit of the spirit

Pastor Gary Combs continues his War of the Worldviews series with this message on the decline of morality and virtue in today’s culture and more specifically in today’s church. Taken from the book of Galatians, the message teaches how Paul told the Christians in Galatia that the only way to live as a Christian was to “walk in the Spirit” and so bear the “fruit of the Spirit” in their lives. Paul taught that following Christ was more than an outward keeping of the law. Christians are to show forth the character of God. We can allow the Lord to give us these nine marks of authentic Christian character, these nine “virtues,” so that we are like Christ, not just in what we believe, or in what we practice, but in our very nature.

Whatever Is Lovely: Restoring Biblical Femininity

February 12, 2012 | Titus 2 | femininity

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “War of the Worldviews” series with this message on femininity. Taken from the apostle Paul’s letter to a young pastor named Titus, this letter encourages him to teach the older women to train the younger women how to be true women of God. As the people of God, we can affirm God’s design for both men and women. We can affirm and seek to see restored biblical femininity.

Whatever Is Admirable: Restoring Biblical Masculinity

February 5, 2012 | 1 Timothy 6:11-16 | masculinity

Pastor Gary Combs continues the War of the Worldviews series with this message from 1 Timothy about being a man of God. In this first letter that the apostle Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy, he told him that he should be a “man of God.” We can affirm what the Bible teaches about masculinity by being men who aspire to be men of God and by being women who value and support this view of masculinity.

Whatever Is Right: Confronting the New Tolerance

January 29, 2012 | 1 John 1:5-2:6 |

Pastor Gary Combs continues the “War of the Worldviews” series with this 4th message about right and wrong, good and evil, and about that three-letter word, sin. This message takes its text from 1 John where he told the first century Christians that they must not be deceived by the humanistic thinking of their age that would keep them from confessing and repenting of their sin. That they could admit that they were in darkness and that they were sinners in need of a Savior and that Jesus would cleanse them and make them right with God. We can confront the “new tolerance” of our age that deceives us. We can admit that we are sinners and be forgiven and made right with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Whatever Is Noble: Defending the Choice for Life

January 22, 2012 | Deuteronomy 30:15-20 |

Pastor Gary Combs continues the War of the Worldviews series with this message from Deuteronomy 30:15-20 addressing our call to defend the choice for life. This message was preached on The Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. This video also includes a word from Christina Middleton, Director of the Wilson Pregnancy Center; a testimony by Malinda Pennington; a preview clip of the soon to be released movie, October Baby; and an introduction to our new WCC members.

Whatever Is Pure: Starting a New Sexual Revolution

January 15, 2012 | 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 |

Pastor Gary Combs continued the “War of the Worldviews” series with this message from 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 about God’s purpose for our bodies. This message addresses the cultural war about human sexuality from a biblical perspective.

Whatever Is True: Winning the Battle for Our Minds

January 8, 2012 | Ephesians 6 |

Pastor Gary Combs begins his new 8-week series entitled “War of the Worldviews” with this message from Ephesians 6. According the God’s Word the real war is not against flesh and blood but against our hearts and our minds. There is a war raging in the spiritual world that clouds our reason. This war will require the whole armor of God to win.


How Can We Know the True Joy of Christmas?

December 25, 2011 | John 3 | christmas

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the NOEL series with this message on Christmas Day. Taken from the book of John, this message describes how Jesus told a prominent Jewish teacher named Nicodemus that God “so loved” everyone that He was offering His greatest gift to all those who would receive it. It is as though God took the approach of wrapping the gift of LIFE and then placed it inside the gift of His Son, the LORD, and then placed it inside the gift of His LOVE. A gift within a gift, within a gift. The greatest gift of all! We can receive this gift from the God who loves all. Having received it, we can be like Him by loving all too.

What Gifts Should We Give?

December 18, 2011 | Luke 2 | christmas

Pastor Gary Combs continues the NOEL series with this message from Luke’s gospel. In the book of Luke, the birth of Jesus was recorded in its historical context with special attention given to show both the humble circumstances of His birth and the glory of His person as the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God. In Luke’s gospel the angel of the Lord invites the shepherds to come celebrate the birth of the Messiah. They came and it changed them and all they came into contact with afterwards. The Lord still invites us to come celebrate the Christ. We can say yes to His invitation and invite others to join us by giving and loving like Jesus.