Faith Foundations

This 10-part series explores the foundations of Christian theology (the study of God) through our 10 essentials of belief.

About Jesus

October 2, 2011 | Philippians 2:5-11 | jesus, theology

Pastor Gary Combs continues the series “Faith Foundations” with this message entitled “About Jesus.” Taken from Philippians 2:5-11, this message seeks to lay a firm foundation for what we believe about Jesus Christ.

About God

September 25, 2011 | John 17 | theology

Pastor Gary Combs begins a new message series entitled “Faith Foundations.” This series will cover the ten essentials of the Christian faith. This first message is taken from John 17 and will show why the study of God is beneficial.


This message series looks at the word "believe" found in the Gospel of John.

Is There Evidence for Believing?

September 18, 2011 | John 20 | belief

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the 7-week sermon series BELIEVE. This message looks at the testimony of Thomas in chapter 20 and encourages us to stop doubting and believe.

Can Dead Hearts Believe?

September 11, 2011 | John 11-12 | belief

Jonathan Combs continues the BELIEVE series with this message from John 11-12 about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

Believing Is Seeing

September 4, 2011 | John 9-10 | belief

Justin Norden continues the message series “BELIEVE” with this message from John 9-10.

What to Believe?

August 28, 2011 | John 5-8 | belief

Pastor Gary Combs continues the series through the Gospel of John entitled “BELIEVE.” This message from chapter 5 through 8 asks “Does it matter what we believe?” John says that it does as he shares the claims of Jesus and the witnesses and proofs to those claims. Jesus claims to be God!

Is Hearing Believing?

August 21, 2011 | John 4 | belief

Pastor Gary Combs continues the series through the Gospel of John entitled “BELIEVE.” This message from chapter 4 looks at the way hearing and believing are connected.

How Can You Believe?

August 14, 2011 | John 3 | belief

Pastor Gary Combs continues the BELIEVE series looking at the word “believe” in the Gospel of John. This message focuses on John 3 and the three “musts” for believing revealed in this chapter.

Who to Believe?

August 7, 2011 | John 1-2 | belief

Pastor Gary Combs begins a new 7-week sermon series through the Gospel of John looking at the word “Believe.” In this first message from John 1-2, he talks about the kind of believing that Jesus believes.

True Freedom in Christ

This message was timed to coincide with July 4th festivities as a reminder of where true freedom comes from.

True Freedom in Christ

July 3, 2011 | Galatians 5:1,13 | freedom

Pastor Gary Combs taught from Galatians 5 concerning the freedom we have in Christ. This message reminds us to be thankful for the gift of freedom we have as Americans, but even more thankful for the freedom we have in Christ. This message also warns against being enslaved by legalism.