June 26, 2011 |
Hebrews 8-10 |
Pastor Gary Combs concludes his four part series entitled, “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Hebrews. In this passage the phrase, “the Son is the radiance of God’s glory,” is of particular interest. This message teaches that Jesus is the beauty of God and the supreme revelation of God.
June 19, 2011 |
Colossians 1 |
Pastor Gary Combs continues his 4-part series entitled “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Colossians. In this message we see that Jesus is the supreme revelation of God and reconciler of the world to God.
June 12, 2011 |
Philippians 2 |
Pastor Gary Combs continues the four part series “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Philippians entitled, “The Sovereign That Served.”
June 5, 2011 |
John 1:1-18 |
christology, jesus, theology
Pastor Gary Combs begins a four-week series entitled “Four Pillars of Christology.” This series will be a study of the person of Christ. This first message is taken from John 1:1-18, where the Scripture says that Jesus is the “Word made flesh.”
May 22, 2011 |
Acts 1:6-11 |
Pastor Gary Combs teaches from the book of Acts in a message entitled “Be My Witnesses.” The day after many were wondering about the Rapture prediction (May 21st), we read in Acts 1:6-11 that knowing the times and dates “is not for us to know” according to Jesus. Instead, we’re to be busy telling others about Jesus until his return.
May 15, 2011 |
Philippians 2:1-16 |
Pastor Gary Combs concludes the four part sermon series entitled “NOVUS,” which is Latin for “new.” This final message is taken from Philippians 2 where the apostle Paul describes the new purpose that God has for those who have received the resurrection life of Christ.
May 8, 2011 |
Ephesians 2:19-22 |
Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series “NOVUS” which is Latin for “new.” This third message comes from the book of Ephesians that describes how God wants to include us in His family.
April 24, 2011 |
Romans 6:4-11 |
easter, resurrection
Pastor Gary Combs begins a new message series on Easter Sunday entitled, “NOVUS.” The word “novus” is Latin for “new.” Over the next four Sundays this series will show how the resurrection of Christ makes everything new. This first message is from Romans 6 where the apostle Paul talks about our “new life” in Christ.
April 17, 2011 |
Luke 23:32-43 |
Pastor Gary Combs concludes the three-part sermon series entitled “The Cross.” This message asks the question “Which side of the cross are you on?” Taken from Luke 23, the Gospel writer recorded that Jesus was crucified between two criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. Luke wrote that the way each criminal responded to Jesus determined their eternal destiny. We are faced with the same choice. Which side of the cross will we choose?
April 10, 2011 |
Romans 3:21-26 |
Pastor Gary Combs continues his three part series entitle “The Cross.” This message answers the question “How much the cross?” Taken from Romans 3, this message is a study of the doctrine of redemption.