August 15, 2010 | Luke 5:1-11 |
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Go Deep” series with this message about trusting God with your belongings, your occupation and your identity. In other words, trust God with everything!
August 15, 2010 | Luke 5:1-11 | generosity, trust
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Go Deep” series with this message about trusting God with your belongings, your occupation and your identity. In other words, trust God with everything!
August 8, 2010 | Luke 5:1-11 | generosity, success
Pastor Gary Combs begins a new series entitled: “Go Deep.” For many of us, the greatest barrier to our future success is a past failure. Jesus calls us to stop viewing life through the lens of our failure and to trust Him with the future.
August 1, 2010 | Acts 5:38-42 | evangelism
Pastor Gary Combs concludes the One Prayer 2010 series with Unstoppable News. Taken from the text in Acts 5:38-42, this series closes with an encouraging word on how God’s good news cannot be stopped.
June 6, 2010 | Ephesians 6:1-4 | parenting, teenagers
Pastor Gary Combs concludes the six-part message series “Parenting Your Child’s Heart.” This message taken from Ephesians 6:1-4 focuses on the transitional season of parenting a teen. This message will help parents understand the balance of authority and influence needed to raise your child up to maturity.
May 30, 2010 | Matthew 19:13-15 | parenting
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Parenting Your Child’s Heart” series. In this message he addresses the need to lead our children to place their faith in Christ. Is there anything more important that leading your child to Christ? Jesus told the disciples to let the little children come to him. We can recognize God’s purpose for parents to be his agents in bringing them to know Jesus.
May 23, 2010 | Proverbs 22:15 | parenting
Pastor Gary Combs continues the message series “Parenting Your Child’s Heart.”
May 16, 2010 | Psalm 119:34 | parenting
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Parenting Your Child’s Heart” series. This message discusses the importance of communication that fosters true understanding, taken from the book of Psalms. The Psalmist cries out to God for heart to heart understanding. He wanted to know and be known by God. He wanted his behavior and his heart attitude to be in line with the Father’s heart. Our children need the same thing. We can answer their heart’s cry for understanding and for a purpose to live by that will give order to their behavior and inspiration for their hearts.
May 9, 2010 | Genesis 18:19 | parenting
Pastor Gary Combs continues the series “Parenting Your Child’s Heart.”
April 25, 2010 | Romans 15:13 |
Pastor Gary Combs concludes the four part series entitled “RE.” This message from Romans 15:13 teaches how to be filled with God’s powerful passion, a passion marked by hope, joy, and peace.
April 18, 2010 | Romans 5:6-11 | relationships
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “RE” series. This message focuses on the authority and power that Christ’s resurrection gives to restore our relationship with God, with others, and to be ambassadors of reconciliation to the world.