“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6 ESV).

This proverb speaks of the God-given stewardship of parenting. For children are a gift from the Lord and parents are called of the Lord to raise them to follow Him. The instruction for parents to “train up” their children comes from an interesting Hebrew word that described how a midwife would rub the palate of a newborn with chewed dates to train them to suckle. In this sense, it was used metaphorically to mean to train up, initiate, or dedicate a child. It might also be taken to mean to educate or make one submissive or obedient as one does a horse by a rope in its mouth.

So parents are called to train up their children. But train them up in what? The proverb answers, “In the way he should go.” What is this way? As God’s stewards, the obvious answer is that parents are to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). However, the additional implication is that “the way he should go” may be taken to mean according to the child’s unique personality and character. This means the parent is called to a careful study of the child in order to help them discover and fulfill God’s calling and purpose for them.

When a parent fulfills this divine calling, the proverb says that the child will not depart from his training even when he is old. Is this a Scriptural promise? No, it is not a promise, but a proverb. It offers a general truth, not a guarantee. For many a child has grown up to rebel and depart from the way he was brought up. It is this possibility that drives godly parents to their knees for their children.

PRAYER: Dear Father, give us wisdom and strength to faithfully train up our children and grandchildren. For this is what You have called us to do. But Lord, only You can affect their hearts. We can train them, but only You can save them and make them born again. Soften their hearts, Lord. May they receive Your Son and follow His way all their days. In Jesus’ name, amen.