“Put not your trust in princes” (Psalms 146:3 ESV).

In this election year, most of the news and even daily conversations are around politics and who should be president. This is especially so after last night’s presidential debate. Yet this psalm reminds us that those who put their trust in political leaders and parties will always be disappointed because they are led by mere men. For only the one who can change the human heart can truly change the human condition. This psalm, along with today’s Old Testament reading from 2 Kings, both proclaim and illustrate this fact. Until King Jesus comes to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in every human heart, there will be no peace.

Let us not put our trust in princes or presidents, but let us put our trust in God alone. For only the Lord is worthy of our total trust. Let us pray to God for our country and for our national leaders that they will also put their trust in God.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we long for the Day of Christ’s return. Yet, until then, we proclaim His gospel and proclaim Him as Lord over all. We are as foreigners in a foreign land, awaiting for Your Kingdom to come. Strengthen us as Your royal ambassadors until our time has ended and you call us home. In Jesus’ name, amen.