“You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said” (Luke 1:45 NLT).

After the angel Gabriel visited Mary, she went to visit her relative Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s arrival, the baby within Elizabeth’s womb leaped with joy and Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit. She immediately knew that Mary was with child and was carrying the Lord and she announced it to Mary with a glad cry. Elizabeth concluded by saying, “You are blessed because you believed.”

There is much to consider in this story, yet let us focus on this final word from Elizabeth, “You are blessed because you believed.” Believed what? For it isn’t believing itself that brings blessing. The power of believing is in its object, the something, or the someone, in which one is trusting. This is why the full quote from Elizabeth was, “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.” Mary believed the Word of the Lord. It was her faith in God’s Word that brought blessing.

Do you believe? No wait. That’s the wrong question. Do you believe what God has said about you? That’s the right question. Do you trust His promises? Do you believe God’s Word? What’s your answer? For blessing follows the one who believes what God has said.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we believe in You and in Your Word. We trust what You have said. And most of all, we have put our trust in Your Son, Jesus Christ. For He is our Lord and Savior. We are forever blessed because we have believed in Him. In Jesus’ name, amen.