“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him” (1 Corinthians 7:17 ESV).

In the apostle Paul’s response to the Corinthians concerning marriage and singleness, he said that status before God is more important than status in the world. He encouraged them to make it their life’s mission to please God no matter their marital status. Indeed, he told them to be less concerned about their present condition and more concerned about the things of the Lord.

However, he did feel that being single was an advantage in serving the Lord. So he encouraged singles not to seek marriage, but to remain single as he was. For then they could be undivided in their devotion to the Lord. Yet, he also made clear that those who desired marriage, desired a good thing. The important thing whether single or married is putting devotion to the Lord first.

We are like the Corinthians. We are often more concerned about our status than we are about our spiritual condition. We think “if only” we could change our situation, then we could be happy. But the Word says “only” lead the life the Lord has called you to in the present. In other words, stop focusing on changing your situation. Focus on pleasing God and give your situation to Him. Bloom where you’re planted.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we confess that we often believe that if only we were in a different situation, then we’d be happier and more able to serve You. Yet You teach us that we are to seek You first. So we trust You with our situations today. Help us to be content in You. Delighting ourselves in You, You have promised to give us the desires of our heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.