“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21 ESV).

Writing while imprisoned in Rome, the apostle Paul expressed his readiness to die and be with Christ, while also recognizing the need to remain for the sake of sharing the gospel. In chains or not, living or dying, the apostle wanted the believers at Philippi to know that he trusted Christ in all things and wanted Him to be glorified at all times. The indomitable joy of Christ was his. He may have been in chains, but the gospel was unchained and so was his soul.

Paul was not suicidal. He did not have a death wish. He was merely expressing the reality for one whose old life had already died with Christ and whose new life was already risen with Christ. What could the Romans do to him? They could kill his body, but they couldn’t touch his soul. His life was already “hidden with Christ in God” (Col.3:3). Paul was completely sold out for Jesus.

What does it mean to be “sold out for Jesus?” It means to be fully committed, dedicated, and passionate about following Jesus. It means to pursue Jesus without reservation or second thoughts. It means a willingness to sacrifice time, energy, and resources to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly.

Are you sold out for Jesus?

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, we give You thanks for Jesus. Examine our hearts this day and reveal to us any place we are holding back from Your Son. For we want to be completely sold out to Him, fully dedicated and passionate to follow Him always. Strengthen us and fill us afresh with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.