“Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices” (Acts 19:18 ESV).

An amazing thing began to happen in the city of Ephesus, new believers began to confess their sin and turn from their sinful practices. Their faith in Christ led to life-change. And their confession and repentance led to a move of God in their city.

The word “confession” in the New Testament has the literal meaning, “to say the same” (From “homologeo”). So, when we confess our sins to God, we are agreeing with God that we have sinned. It’s not news to Him. He already knows. Confessing our sins, we no longer deny our sinfulness, but agree with God. More than that, confession is a crying out to God for relief from the guilt that pervades the soul as sin’s consequence.

The apostle John wrote, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Our part is confession. God’s part is not only forgiveness, but also cleansing. So that even sin’s stain might be removed.

We pray for revival in our city and in our nation, but are we willing to also confess and repent of sinful practices? For confession and revival go together.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we confess and repent of sin today. Forgive us and cleanse us. Let revival begin with us. Then stretch forth Your hand to bring revival by Your Holy Spirit that the name of Jesus might be on everyone’s lips. For it’s in His name we pray, amen.