“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 ESV).

Jeremiah was born to be a priest, specifically from the town of Anathoth, which was a Levitical city in the territory of Benjamin (Jeremiah 1:1). Yet the Lord called him to be a prophet, making him one of the rare individuals to be both priest and prophet (The only others to come to mind are Samuel, Ezekiel and perhaps Zechariah).

The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah revealed three spiritual realities concerning his prophetic calling that show believers something about their relationship to God too.

First, he was known by God before his conception. If Jeremiah was known by God, then so are we. He knows us, even before we are formed, which speaks of God’s eternality and foreknowledge. It speaks of God’s relational intimacy with humanity. It also speaks to the sanctity of human life in the womb.

Second, he was “consecrated,” set apart for special work, before he was born. God had a specific purpose in mind for Jeremiah. He wasn’t an accident of chance, but one born for a divine purpose. This has implications for all of us. Believing in Christ, we are born again, consecrated, sanctified and set apart unto good works (See Eph. 2:10).

Third, he was “appointed” by God with specific gifting to be God’s prophet and international representative. God had not only called Jeremiah with a specific purpose, He had gifted him with appropriate gifts. To whom God calls, He also provides. If we have a sense of God’s calling, let us not worry that He will not also give us what we need to answer it.

Let us meditate on the intimate knowledge, purpose and gifting that God has for us.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we often feel as Jeremiah did, that we are too young or too small, that we aren’t gifted at speaking, or some other frailty or short coming, to answer Your calling. Yet, You call the weak to shame the strong. You know us, yet You still gift us and call us. Strengthen us to obey the calling and purpose You have for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.