“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the Lord!” (Isaiah 31:1 ESV).

From Abraham’s time until that of Isaiah’s, the people of Israel had often looked to Egypt when they should have been looking to God. Israel’s infatuation to “go down to Egypt for help” had never worked out well for them and had even led to their previous enslavement. So God warned them through the prophet Isaiah not to look to Egypt’s chariots to rescue them from the raiding Assyrians. But to look to the “Holy One of Israel” instead.

Trusting Egypt for help might be seen as a metaphor for trusting the world and human strength when we should be looking to the “Holy One” for help. Who is this “Holy One?” He is the Lord Jesus Christ!

What trouble or need are you facing today? Are you in the habit of looking to Egypt for help? Have you forgotten what it cost you and how little help you actually found there before? Hear the word of the Lord. Look to Christ for help.

PRAYER: Dear Father, forgive us when we look to the world for help, instead of looking to You. We say that we trust You, yet we do not lean on You. We repent. We turn to You today with our cares and troubles, knowing that You are able. Give us Your rest and strength as we face this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.