“Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you” (Ecclesiates 7:21 ESV).

Solomon warned against being overly sensitive to what others say about you. Guard your heart. For from time to time, even those closest to you may say something disparaging of you. You might even overhear one who works for you, cursing you. Not to your face of course, but behind your back. But don’t let it go to your heart. For if you examine yourself, you’ll have to admit that you’ve spoken ill of others too. And if you take to heart everything that people say about you, it can lead to an angry and bitter disposition that is always looking for an offense. Or it can lead to a pandering kind of personality that is always seeking a compliment or praise.

Yet, do take to heart everything that the Lord says about you. For He created you and sent His Son to die for your sins. God knows you better than you know yourself. He has a new name for you that will align with your heart’s true identity. Let what the Lord says about you go deep into your heart. Seek His approval. Live not for the applause of people, but for the approval of God.

PRAYER: Dear Father, You know us better than we know ourselves. Examine our hearts and show us today where repentance is needed. We want our hearts to be in alignment with Yours. We want to pursue after Your heart. Teach us to be unoffendable, so that our identity and approval are centered on what You say about us. In Jesus’ name, amen.