“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 NKJV).

Psalm 90 bears the superscription, “A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.” It encourages the reader to be aware of the fleeting nature of life and to be determined not to waste it.

This is not a morbid instruction, but one that faces reality. We have a finite number of days appointed to us. Number them, be aware that each day is a gift from God and a holy stewardship. The promise of eternal life does not release us to waste this season, but should pull us toward investing every moment we have for God, so that we store up riches in heaven.

However, the awareness of life’s brevity without the promise of eternity with God, might move us to selfish hedonism, in order to squeeze every drop out of life before we die. Or we might fall under the illusion that by laboring constantly, we might leave a legacy, so that our name is never forgotten.

Yet neither of these extremes describe the “heart of wisdom” for which Moses prayed. For in numbering his days, he asked the Lord to satisfy him every morning with His steadfast love and to make him glad all his days as he looked for the Lord’s return.

Numbering our days with a heart of wisdom, we labor and we rest according to the Lord’s direction. And we trust that the Lord will establish the work of our hands.

PRAYER: Dear Father, only You know the number of our days. We know that You could call us home at any time. Fill us with Your joy and love that we might spend every day according to Your will. Help us not to waste any opportunity to bless others. Strengthen us to always be ready to share the gospel of Jesus. Give us Your heart of wisdom for all our days. In Jesus’ name, amen.