“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it” (Mark 10:15 ESV).

People were bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed by Him. But the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus noticed, He became indignant and told them to let the little children come to Him. Then, He made an important point that there was something about little children that actually made them more apt to enter the kingdom of God than adults. What was this childlike quality?

Perhaps it is because children have not yet been marred by the pride and prejudice that adulthood brings. They are still humble and teachable, open-minded and trusting. They don’t analyze whether their parents will provide food, shelter, or love—they simply believe.

In the same way, Jesus calls us to approach God with a heart of dependence, humility, and trust. Unlike adults who can become skeptical and self-reliant, children recognize their need for help. Jesus isn’t saying we should be childish but rather childlike in our faith, fully relying on Him without pride or pretense.

This challenges us to let go of self-sufficiency. Do we complicate faith with doubts, pride, or the desire to control? Or do we simply trust God’s promises, knowing He is good? Having faith as a little child to follow Jesus, means trusting in Him entirely for every need and care. It means humbly bowing our will to Him to call Him Lord and Savior. Do you have faith as a little child?

PRAYER: Dear Father, we have gladly humbled ourselves as a little child to follow Your Son, Jesus. He is worthy of our trust and our worship. Strengthen us this day to tell others of the joy of knowing and following Him. In Jesus’ name, amen.