CHRIST IS THE CONSUMMATION OF THE LAW (Or how Christ is God’s “10-4” to us)
If God’s law cannot save, what good is it? There are at least three good purposes for God’s law and they all point to Christ:
1) Reflect our guilty condition (Like a Perfect mirror).
2) Restrain our sinful behavior (Like a Prison guard).
3) Reveal our need for a Savior (Like a Pedagogue).
So, the law is good and useful, but it cannot save. Only faith in Christ saves and empowers us to produce a harvest of righteousness in His name. For Christ is the end goal of the law.
In CB parlance, “Ten-Four” means, “affirmative, yes.” In God’s Word, Romans “10:4” says that Christ is God’s “yes” to those that believe.
PRAYER: Father, thank You that Jesus is the answer to our sin problem. For Christ has paid the price that the law required on our behalf. Hallelujah! Christ has set us free from the law of sin and death. Christ Jesus is our righteousness, making us right with You, Father, so that we have become Your children. Now, help us to walk in the freedom of Your Spirit today, no longer under the law but under grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.