“…I will celebrate before the Lord. I will make myself yet more contemptible than this, and I will be abased in your eyes…” (2 Samuel 6:21-22 ESV).

When David came leaping and dancing as he led the procession that brought the Ark into Jerusalem, his wife, Michal despised him for it. She spoke sarcastically to him as he arrived, saying, “How the king of Israel has honored himself today,” accusing him of acting “shamelessly” as one of the “vulgar” common people. In other words, she didn’t think his behavior was befitting a member of the upper class, much less a king. David’s response to her was revealing of his heart. He explained that he was celebrating “before the Lord,” not for men and certainly not for her. He further stated his intent to humble himself even more when it came to worshiping the Lord.

For whom do you celebrate? Who gets your unhindered, unselfconscious worship and praise? David’s worship was for God, not men. He didn’t care what men thought of him, only what God thought of him.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we worship You above all others. We offer You our highest praise. Forgive us when we forget to give You thanks, or when we feel hindered to express our worship because we worry what others might think. Help us to shine brightly in this dark world for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.