“And so the Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or any of the things for its service” (1 Chronicles 23:26 ESV).

David made preparations for the Temple to be built in Jerusalem. He gathered the materials for the building and gave his son, Solomon specific plans for its construction. He also instructed the Levites on how to transition from their former ministry of carrying and setting up the portable Tabernacle to their new roles, serving at the permanent Temple in Jerusalem.

This was an important part of David’s preparation for the ministry of the new Temple. For what is a new and beautiful church building without the necessary ministers to serve in it? Yet, I wonder how moving from portable to permanent affected the faith of Israel? Did they become lax, thinking they had finally arrived?

Our church was portable for 19 years, meeting at homes, schools, and other church and civic buildings that we rented. We were known as the “roadie church” because we could set up sound equipment, staging, seats, and nursery and children’s equipment in any space within an hour or so. We could have “church” anywhere. And we did!

The transition from portable church to a permanent location took place thirteen years ago. Our attendance immediately doubled and we are still growing. Yet, there is a culture from our portable days that we have tried our best to retain. For we still want to be the church on the move, joining Jesus on the mission field in our city, region, and world.

We don’t want to let having a permanent home make us lazy about going out to make disciples. We want to be pioneers, not settlers. We have not arrived. Having a building is not the goal. We are a people on mission. The church is not a place it’s a people! And its mission is not to building buildings, but to make disciples of all nations.

PRAYER: Dear Father, don’t let us lose our missionary zeal for reaching our city. Let the Spirit burn bright within us, so that we have a white-hot passion for witnessing. Thank you for giving us a permanent home, but don’t let us think of a place as the church. We are the church and Your Son is the Head. Send us out with power. In Jesus’ name, amen.