“The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught” (Mark 6:30 ESV).
When the disciples returned from where Christ had sent them out two-by-two on mission, they reported to Him what they had done and taught. They must have been thrilled to give their mission report to Jesus. For He was their Captain and their Friend. What joy they must have had to tell Him everything! Can’t you just hear Him tell them with a smile, “Yes, yes, I know you’re excited, but please only one at a time.”
When our church sends out mission teams to another city or country, we always look forward to hearing their mission report. They usually bring back stories with photos and souvenirs of their journey. Amazing life change is often reported, not only with those they ministered to, but especially to the members of the team that went.
I wonder what it will be like on that Day when all of us who believe are standing before the Bema seat of Christ. What will your mission report to Christ be like when you tell Him what you have done and taught?
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for sending Your Son to us. Just as You sent Him, He has sent us. Strengthen us to do and to teach what Christ has commissioned us to do. May we hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” from Him on that Day. In Jesus’ name, amen.