“Then David and the people who were with him raised their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep” (1 Samuel 30:4 ESV).

In the time when David was on the run from King Saul, he allied himself with King Achish of the Philistines. Yet, on the eve before they went into battle against Israel, the other Philistine kings insisted that David and his men be sent away. In this God protected David. For the Philistines defeated Israel and killed Saul and his three sons. How different the story of David would’ve been if he had been an accessory to Saul’s defeat and death.

However, God wasn’t finished with David. For on the way back from the camp of the Philistines, they found that the Amalekites had raided their home, burned it to the ground, and carried off all of their women, children and possessions. The men were so bitter that some talked of stoning David. Yet, David encouraged himself in the Lord and sought guidance from God. And the Lord answered him and gave him victory over the Amalekites, recovering all their families and possessions. In this, the Lord corrected David for losing his way and almost allying with Israel’s arch enemies.

Have you ever been protected from the consequences of your own bad judgment, while at the same time being corrected for it? What grace God showed David. Both protecting and correcting him as a son.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, how many times have You prevented us from getting what we want because You were protecting us from its dire consequences? Thank You. And thank You for the many times that You have gently corrected us without destroying us. Your discipline is loving and accomplishes Your purpose in us. We trust You Lord. Have Your way with us today. In Jesus’ name, amen.