“Return, O Lord, and rescue me. Save me because of your unfailing love” (Psalm 6:4 NLT).

In weakness and affliction, David cried out to the Lord. He felt distant from the Lord, so he prayed that the Lord would “return” to him, as if the Lord had somehow moved away. He cried out for “rescue,” asking the Lord to save him because of His “unfailing love.” This “unfailing love” is from the Hebrew word, “chesed,” which can be translated “lovingkindness,” or “loving-mercy.” It is a close synonym for the Greek word, “agape,” which is God’s unconditional, sacrificial love.

David knew that he was a sinner that needed mercy, so he prayed according to God’s “chesed” love. He prayed that God would respond according to His own character of love, rather than David’s deserving of it.

We may sometimes feel that God has turned away from us, when in actuality, we have turned away from Him. At times like this, let us remember His promise, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). And let us join with David in trusting in God’s unfailing love for us.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we draw near to You this day. Forgive us of our sins. Purify our hearts. Draw near to us that we might be encouraged and strengthened. Give us this day all that we need to serve You. According to Your unfailing love and in the name of Your Son, Jesus, we pray, amen.