“I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose” (Galatians 2:21 ESV).

God’s grace is that which saves and sustains the one trusting in Christ’s finished work of salvation. Grace is about God’s mercy, while working to keep the law is about our merit. Yet grace is more than mercy, for mercy only postpones or withholds the punishment we deserve. But grace gives us the opposite of what we deserve. This is not only saving and sustaining grace, it is scandalous grace. For it gives the one who deserves an “F” in life, an “A+.”

How is this just? It is just because Christ died in our place. He took our “F” and offers us His “A+.” He took our sin, separation and death and offers us His righteousness, Sonship, and eternal life through faith in Him.

When we attempt to add law-keeping to salvation, we “nullify” grace. And having set aside grace, we nullify the work of Christ on the cross with it. Grace (Greek: χάρις, charis) is God’s unmerited favor freely bestowed on those who having recognized their own inability to save themselves, willingly put their trust in Christ and His finished work of salvation. For salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank You for Your grace and mercy. We humbly recognize that You have given us the opposite of what we deserve. Therefore, we glory not in ourselves, but in Your Son. For we desire to live for Your glory. Not as earning, but out of gratitude and out of our new identity as Your children. In Jesus’ name, amen.